As the 21th century opened, game design choices were ambitious. Nobody knew at which direction gaming would head next. A lot of very inspired games came along, with very stylish controls and design choices. But stylish so that they could earn more money, or grab stock-holder attention, they were stylish simply for gaming excellence, and that was all that mattered. Then EA showed up, and Microsoft, and they took gaming a step backwards.. Gamers split into two camps - "hardcores" who steriotypically play shooters and fast-paced action games on their Xbox's and PS3's, and "casuals", who play downbeat games on their Wii's. All gaming companies have in mind these days is to satisfy those two groups, get them to buy their stuff. They don't care about excellence.
When was the last time a pure, fully-lived-up-to-its-potential piece came out since 2002? Since Metroid Prime 1, to be specific? Never.
Even a game like Zelda could be ten times what it is. Skate 2 could drop the "sports game" title in favor of "skateboarding simulation". All those war-related games like Battlefield and Killzone 2 could be good on a whole different level if a storyline writer said so. But he didn't care about excellence, he only cared about getting paid.
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