As long as developers such as Valve, Blizzard, Epic, Relic, etc. are around then I don't give a damn what the rest of the industry is doing. If devs want to jump on the casual train, be my guest: most of them suck to begin with. Sushbag88
No disrepect, but PC gamers are always saying this, and yet surely they know you nedd many PC game releases in many genres for a format to survive, not just 2 or 3 AAA games a year from the above developers? I mean most people realise that TV is only meoderately good because there are so many TV stations and TV programs so we get to watch the shows we want to. People know if there was just one station with 6 shows a day the number of people watching TV's and buying TV's, etc would plummit! Same goes for movies. Imagine only 3 or 4 movies being produced per year and only 50 cinema's to show them on? Again, the number of people going to the movies would collapse.
In both the above examples it would be easy to see how both the TV industry and MOvie business would not be around for long if that sitiation were true, and yet, in PC gaming, because of a lowering of quality in story-telling and gameplay, we are getting very close to that situation, where there is not engough quantity OR quality? The half a dozen AAA PC titles we have had this year is just not enough. Espcially when they have only covered two or three genres!
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