There aren't really any specific dates locked down.
Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix - Whenever Sirlin is satisfied with the online. Tekken 6 - Location tests going on right now in Japan, I'm sure we'll see it this fall. SoulCalibur IV - Holidays 2008? Might slip to 2009. Street Fighter IV - 2009.
Samurai Shodown Anthology, Art of Fighting Anthology, and King of Fighters Collection are all supposed to be coming to Wii, but I guess that doesn't help you much.
man that suxs, i know there is virtua fighter for the 360 but i have to drop 50 bucks to play. im not really into a myspace for video gaming grounds so its hard for me to spend money when my only purpose is to play. Im leaning towards it tho, my forte is fighting then sports, then anything esle. So this suxs bad
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