I will use this thread to talk about both the Saturn and the Dreamcast as they both suffered similar fates.
I enjoyed my Saturn. I played a number of good games on it and it could have bested the PS1. However, it could not compete with the incredible games Sony was coming out with from 1997 onwards though. IMO, the Saturn and the Dreamcast are overrated, and the reason being is that both consoles had the potential to be so much more than they were, but both consoles failed and realistically let us gamers down.
Sega has always been eager to launch their consoles and come out with the newest tech. Honestly, any of us who payed full retail on a Sega CD or 32X should have caught on to the theme much earlier than we did. The only reason I can even think as to why we all have a place for Sega in our hearts is that they were able to come out with great games in such a short amount of time, thus the unrealized potential. I loved the Genesis immensely, but as far as longevity and staying power it was all downhill from there.
The Saturn was great for fighters and that is the only department that bested the PS1 early on. The PS1 however still got the majority of the same fighting titles and they were not drastically worse off then the Saturn counterparts. The average/casual gamer would not have noticed much difference IMO. I know I will get flamed, but trust me I had both the Saturn and the PS1, and the Dreamcast and the PS2. The only year I preferred my Saturn was 96 and the only years I preferred the Dreamcast were obviously 99 and 2000. The Saturn deserves a bit more credit than it gets, and the Dreamcast does not deserve the excessive love it gets at all. If anything, buying both consoles on launch for the full price was a mistake I made on an economic standpoint when they were both 1/3rd the price 1.5 years after launch.The only thing that buying the consoles on launch did for me was made sure I did not miss a beat.
Don't get me wrong I immensely enjoed the short time that I had with these consoles. In both cases it almost felt like a summer fling that abruptly ended and when I knew that it was over so soon it was very very sad. I credit Sega with getting the ball rolling on online console gaming, but ultimately, both consoles were a letdown.
Standout titles I would reccomend to everyone who has not played them. (I will only list the U.S. releases that most are familiar with since I didn't know back then that I was missing out by not importing some of the Japanese gems such as Dracula X, Radiant Silvergun, Burning Rangers, and Grandia (Did Grandia get a U.S. Saturn release? I know PS1 got an english translation, but I dont remember Saturn getting one.)
Virtua Fighter 2
Fighting Vipers
Fighters Megamix
Dead or Alive
Die Hard Arcade
House of the Dead
Lunar 2: Eternal Blue
Virtua Cop 1 & 2
Metal Slug
Nights Into Dreams
Sega Rally Championship
Shinobi Legions
Super Puzzle Fighter
Xmen Vs. Street Fighter
Panzer Dragoon
Panzer Dragoon 2 ZWEI
Panzer Dragoon Saga
Jet Set Radio
Metropolis Street Racer
Crazy Taxi
Soul Calibur
Dead or Alive 2
Sonic Adventure
Sonic Adventure 2
Space Channel 5
Skies of Arcadia
Virtua Tennis
Samba Di Amigo
Grandia 2
House of the Dead 2
Marvel Vs. Capcom 2
Phantasy Star Online
Street Fighter 3: The Third Strike
Zombie Revenge
A solid list for sure, but think of what could have been...........
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