I just realized something by reading the "How to mess up an RPG" thread.
It is generally known that a lot of Elder Scrolls fans after finishing Oblivion went back to Morrowind, because it was more fun. I agree, Morrowind had some kind of magic that Oblivion lacked, even with all its good graphics, kinky combat and physics.
AND NOWI think I discovered the major ingredient that spoils the Oblivion formula: fast travel option. I didn't think about it at first but now I realize that 80% of all the time I spent in Morrowind, I spent getting to places. Sometimes it was annoying that I had to run for such a long time, and yet I still occupied that time with fighting monsters on my way, exploring newfound caves, completing side questsand enjoying the scenery.
In Oblivion, you have the option to instantly transport you to an already visited place. All those caves and sidequests are also present in Oblivion (to some extent)but I realized that, unless you just wonder around the map like an idiot, you will not find any of that. The result: people miss on a very large % of gameplay.
Moreover, when add-ons come out that, for example,dress your character upin a new outfit, you are onlyreally noticing the changeif you have enough time to look at it. In Morrowind you had that time. Whatever mod is coming out, you had the time to use it in game. Add-ons, as we know, is the reason why Morrowind is still so widely played. Oblivion can't even be saved by add-ons because they depend on the game's fast-traveling shortage of gameplay.
And don't tell me not to use fast-traveling option if I don't want to. It would be against logic and against human nature and is impossible.
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