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The beggers from Assassin's Creed. They always bothered me.WSGRandomPerson
The Crazies pissed me off more. I hate how they just shoved your character and no one else.
I can think of a view characters that annoyed me to no end.
The camera man - Skate
Most of the time, this guy isn't so bad. He kind of narrates the game, tells you things about skate spots and comments on your skills. However, there are times when he can really get under your skin. When you're doing a really difficult challenge in the game, being repeatedly insulted by him will totally get to you. Bailing during a christ air 360 backflip and landing on my head makes me a wuss? Hardly. It's more aggrivating knowing that a guy in the game whose only ability on a skateboard is to skate behind you and capture your awesome is insulting you when we know he's incapable of doing any sick tricks. If Danny Way wants to call me a wuss, fine. But some punk no-name non-existant camera man? That makes me angry.
The Prince of Persia - Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time
I found him to be so ridiculously annoying throughout the first half of this game or so. He was like the most whiny and obnoxious character I've ever played as. His repeated "Shall I continue?" and "Shall I go on?" every time you paused was also quite irritating. Thank God he becomes kinda cool by the end.
Viewtiful Joe - Viewtiful Joe
A lot of reviewers loved this game. I was never able to find out why. Believe me, I tried, but I could just not get over the fact that few characters irritated me like Joe. I got pretty far in the game, but I hated him throughout every minute of it. He was totally annoying. Hearing him say "Yummy!" every time you picked up health kind of made me insane. I'm actually a bit disappointed Nintendo didn't work out something to get him in Brawl. He'd fit right in and I'd love to give him the beating of a lifetime.
Daisy - Mario Kart: Double Dash!!
This one tops them all. In Mario Kart: Double Dash (which I feel has become an underrated game, though I was initially disappointed myself and only really learned to appreciate it after replaying Mario Kart 64 through Virtual Console, which has totally not aged well), each of the characters has 2 phrases that they shout during races. For the most part, they're not so bad, but a little more variety certainly wouldn't have hurt. However, Daisy's constant screaming of "HI! I'M DAISY!" is likely to cause severe brain damage if you actually play as her. It's like every 10 seconds you hear her saying this! It will quickly start to drive you insane and will have you begging to get nailed by a blue shell, just to shut her up. Just thinking about this is making me irritated. CURSE YOU, DAISY! CURSE YOU AND YOUR WORDS!
Edit: Oh God, I forgot about Slippy. I'm glad you mentioned him, nosferatu.
Slippy - Star Fox 64
Slippy is in a league of his own. Not only is he incredibly annoying with his high pitched voice and nerdy lines, but he's also almost completely useless. Needing to save his worthless behind gets old real quick. He makes getting medals in this game way harder than they need to be, since you need to have all 3 allies finish each mission with you in order to obtain one. And if one of your wingmen should have to abort (which always ended up being Slippy), they would not be able to return during the following mission either. You know, I understand his importance to the team and all since he's really smart and designs their vehicles, but they really need to just keep him tied up back in Great Fox. Leave the flying to the pros.
Also, since I'm writing more, I figure I might as well include my two most recent choice, which may annoy some readers.
Midna - The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
Personally, I found Midna to be kind of like Navi from Ocarina of Time, except with her annoyance factor multiplied tenfold. She'd always bug me, and never provided much help. Navi I didn't mind so much. She was easy to ignore, and not really ever integral to the game. Midna was one of the major characters of the game, but was never really interesting and her only purpose seemed to be to annoy me and slow me down.
GLaDOs - The Orange Box: Portal
Gamespot voted this AI system as the best new character of 2007. I couldn't disagree more. First of all, I thought she was really difficult to understand most of the time, so I had to rely on subtitles, and that always kills the humor a bit. Also, I just found her to be annoying and bothersome. She had a really dry humor, which I wasn't digging so much. I felt she kind of brought the game down a bit, and the most amusing aspects of the game came from the actual gameplay mechanics and not the dialogue. I mean, c'mon... let's face it. Cramming as much stuff as you can into a toilet in a video game is funny stuff. A totally irratic and annoying computer program? Not so much.
I was playing Brawl and out of the assist trophy comes this mole names Mr. Resetti. He claims to be from animal crossing. And what does Mr. Resetti do? He goes on a (no joke) 3 minute speil that covers the top half of the screen with a text box. I can't rememebr what he talks about exactly because I was busy trying to not get killed, but it was a lot of big talk I can assure you. "Don't mess with me" and so on. Really freaking annoying.
IN MortalKombat if u played the old one some one come in the middle of the fight and say"POOPPPPYYYY"
Noober (Baldur's Gate II) - At least, I think that was his name. Anyway, after you got near him he'd chase after you and constantly intiate dialog, which got old really fast. He's kind of the forefather to Oblivion's adoring fan, but more annoying.
Navi (Ocarina of Time) - Good lord, what is with Nintendo and obnoxious characters? Navi suffers twofold - pointing out the obvious and interrupting your game in the process, and being grating on the ears. HEY. HEY. HEY!
FLUDD (Mario Sunshine) - I could make this list of only Nintendo characters if I wanted. FLUDD mostly just had an annoying voice, which goes a long way in making you hate a character. He also mucked up the Mario formula, but I don't know if that's really his fault.
Grunty (Banjo Kazooie) - I think it was mostly the annoying simlish style voiceovers that killed this game. Grunty was the worst, since it sounded like someone mixed together nails on a chalkboard and dying cats.
Children (Fallout 2) - Almost all of the children in the game would follow you around or pickpocket you. So either you'd lose coins walking past them (and some were positioned right by doorways) or they'd chase after you, calling you tribal and such. It only really got annoying if you initiated combat, though, since nearby children meant lots of opportunity for critical misses to nick them, and once you splatter them like a melon 'Childkiller' makes a fairly good barricade to character interaction from that point on. Also, even if Sulik was the one popping kids' eyes like grapes, he'd accuse you of being the childkiller and run away forever.
Marshal Windsor (World of Warcraft) - Hey, Marshal, thanks for chasing after every goddamn enemy in the area, even though they're out of range most of the time. Makes the escort much easier when you're a suicidal maniac.
Yuna (Final Fantasy X) - Whiny, and with the most halting voiceover I've ever seen (seriously, who thought it would be a good idea to put ellipses between every single one of her words?), I wished I could be rid of her even though the game's plot rested a hell of a lot on her shoulders. Note to developers - don't make one of your main characters as pleasant as a thong made of poison ivy.
The announcer (Beach Spikers). Another brilliant thing a developer can do is give a game a ridiculous annoying announcer, have them exclaim like, two canned phrases after every single move in a sports game, and remove any option to turn them off or drop their volume. THANK YOU ENJOY THE GAME.
The entire cast of NPC's in Dead Rising. I could crawl through a pitbull fighting ring with steaks stapled to my ass and have a better chance of survival than these idiots.
-Kent (Photo Guy) -Dead Rising
Eff Him. It's not that he's annoying the first time... It's just that you have the repeat 3 "days" until you finish to game properly, and you have to deal with him in your face every time
-Sheogorath -Oblivion: The Shivering Isles
Again, not particularly annoying at first... But his mood swings, "jokes" and accent get really, really, really annoying
Tails -Sonic 2 through Sonic and the Secret Rings
Eff him. Eff his voice. Eff his way of moving. Tails could be a good character. If Sega didn't have to make him sound like he's been breathing helium, and he actually did something helpful once in a while.
The announcer from Harry Potter Quiditch World Cup. "Slytherin has the ball" "He Passes" "He Shoots" "He Misses" "What An Exctitng Game this IS!"
He commented on everything you did. I couldn't play more than an hour of it. If you've never played this before, stay away, stay away.
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