I don't get the hate against Cliffy either. Maybe not so much here, but elsewhere there's a lot of it. I think a lot of it comes from the fact that these are sort of bro-tier games. Ones meant to be played with friends sitting in the same room. Which is exactly the kind of game the industry needs more of. Anyways, as for overrated. Dice, Bethesda, and and Bioware. (I won't mention Activision because we all know why) A lot of the hate is from them forgetting where they came from and who made what's happening today possible.
Dice needs to remember that they started as modders, and if they respected that and showed a lot of support for the mod community they could rely on having fans that will remain loyal and buy their products. Instead they're alienating who brought them to where they are for short term profit and most likely a lot of DLC. People wouldn't need to complain if they made modding the gaming accessible. It's why BF2 was praised. I mean, you've got the crazy mods that make the game even more absurd like portable miniguns that fire high explosive rounds, to Forgotten Hope 2, to Project Reality which was a nice sort of in between from casual to ArmA 2 with Ace. A sort of introduction into sims if you will. A Battlefield 3: Project Reality would be insane and could actually bring the competition against ArmA 3. Especially if they offered support, they could not only have casuals, but the sim fans as well. They could absolutely crush the market if they did that. Hell, I'd pay for it if it was good enough. Especially if they treated it like a high quality expansion. If I was activision I would **** myself. I mean imagine reading: Major Game Publisher Electronic Arts and game Developer Dice help small mod team create an "alternative expansion pack" to Battlefield 3. (better yet) A fifth of the profits are going towards charity. That could generate enough positive press that the entire world would explode into candy and cartoony hearts.
Bioware needs to learn to have multiple franchises. They could seriously have made a lot of money if they kept Dragon Age like the first one, or better yet, made it harder and more complicated with a lot of math involved. Then, instead of Dragon Age 2 that they had released, instead make that a separate IP. That way, not only do they have more to work with, but they can keep both the skilled and casual gamers happy.
Bethesda just needs to stop dumbing things down. Leave things like they were in Morrowind and add in a more complex combat system. Like a melee system where it would be like Batman Arkham Asylum, Assassins Creed, and Mount and Blade had some sort of super baby. Oh, and they need to kill the Gamebryo engine. I don't care how much you modified it, it's still terrible, especially the utterly broken physics and horrible animations. It is also buggy as hell and a pain in the arse to work with sometimes. That is not something that can be debated. It is simply a fact and you should be ashamed of yourself for thinking otherwise you terrible person.
Also, everyone needs to stop it with mutliplats. Multiplats between consoles is fine. But stop dumbing things down for consoles. Make different games for them. I'm tired of games that would have been awesome had they taken advantage of all the controls available to a pc player.
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