The Most Underrated Games of 2009: A Personal List

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#1 Grammaton-Cleric
Member since 2002 • 7515 Posts

I have a fascination with games that go unnoticed or underappreciated, a common occurrence when you reflect on what an amazing year it's been for software. The following list is by no means definitive nor does it necessarily reflect games that underperformed critically or commercially. This is merely a list of those titles that I feel were not afforded the accolades or attention they deserved. If you feel the need to add to this list I would only ask that you write a brief description as to why you feel the game cited is underrated or underappreciated.

Call of Juarez: Bound in Blood

The original Call of Juarez was a solid and divergent entry into the FPS genre hampered by some poorly executed platforming elements. The sequel, released unceremoniously last summer, corrects just about every problem found in the original while upping the ante considerably with some truly exciting western shootouts replete with realistic, authentic weapons of the era, a separate dueling mechanic that simulates the tension of a close quarter gunfight, and a decent story arch that acts as a prequel to the original game. The entire endeavor is propelled by a technically solid engine that at times looks flatly gorgeous with a brisk framerate to boot. This is probably the best Western on the market currently, at least until Red Dead Redemption hits in April.

Mad World

The anemic sales of this game aggravate me because such paltry numbers suggests that not only did casual gamers steer clear of this blood soaked title but the so-called hardcore crowd didn't bite either, an unfortunate fact considering how good the finished product is. Mad World is an ultra-violent brawler that that manages to accomplish two very important things: it uses a simple but artistically rendered black, red and white color palette to create some of the absolute best visuals on the Wii and it also manages to implement motion control in such a way that playing this title on any other console would harm the integrity of the gameplay. While certainly not to everyone's taste, Mad World is an inventive title that does a fantastic job of mixing over-the-top brutality with a playful sensibility that makes it one of the best games on the console.

Bionic Commando

Earlier this year I wrote a lengthy critique on why this game was misunderstood by much of the gaming press and I stand by those statements. Despite some rough edges, this is one of the most interesting, unique and enjoyable games I've played this year and what impressed me the most about this long awaited follow-up was just how much of the fundamental spirit of the original GRIN managed to capture in this fully 3D sequel. This game and BC: Rearmed made me lament the loss of GRIN as a developer.

Wanted: Weapons of Fate

I walked away from the demo indifferent but when the opportunity to nab this game for a cheap price came my way I picked it up, discovering a solid experience despite some obvious flaws. While Wanted doesn't quite reach the top tier of movie-related games, what GRIN created was a brief but exciting simulation of the physically fantastic gunplay found in the film, with a unique bullet curving mechanic and some of the best use of slow motion this side of F.E.A.R.

Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen

This isn't a GOTY candidate by any means but what is here is surprisingly good and a considerable improvement over the first game, which was turgid and completely devoid of entertainment value. This sequel smartly keeps the proceedings simple and offers up a fun shooter with an actual learning curve and a decent multiplayer component. This is easily the best Transformer game out there and my only hope is that the same development team gets a shot at doing another installment without the constraints of a movie tie-in deadline.

Wolverine: Origins

Referring to this game as a movie tie-in isn't entirely accurate; Ravensoft was already hard at work on this game before Activision foisted the film license upon them, which is why we got a relatively polished and incredibly well-made Wolverine action game. Simply put, this is the ONLY wolverine game worth a damn and by the miracle of providence this game is ultra-violent and strewn with the gore and viscera of Logan's many enemies. Limbs fly, heads roll, and blood flows freely as you make your way through the game. It plays well enough and certain additions, such as the leap mechanic, imbue this title with a personality sorely lacking in most movie-related titles. The real star of the show however is Logan's healing ability, which allows him to get stripped down to a tattered skeleton and regenerate gradually over time, all the while cutting a nasty, gore-filled swath through his adversaries. This is among the best comic book games out there and I sincerely wonder how much better it could have been without Activision's interference towards the end of the development cycle. Regardless, it's a fantastic hack n' slash and the ability to unlock Wolverine's classic outfits means you can wash away the tendrils of the lukewarm film adaptation almost entirely.

Punch Out!

For a game that was supposedly wanted by every gamer on the planet, the reception for this title seemed incredibly subdued. The muted reception is even harder to comprehend considering how brilliantly well executed this game is; a slick, charming retro dosage of classic gaming that manages to be simultaneously nostalgic and fresh. I was incredibly skeptical that a relatively unknown developer could capture the magic of the original (or the sequel) but they delivered one of the Wii's best titles.

Red Faction: Guerilla

I actually think this game received a fair amount of attention earlier in the year when it was released but nearly six months later it's easy to overlook what an amazing game this turned out to be. Volition managed to create their own unique sandbox game with solid shooting mechanics, fun vehicles, and a destruction engine that is practically unrivaled. The ability to destroy almost any structure, regardless of scale, is a tremendous and heady experience that never gets tiresome. Add to that some genuinely clever destruction challenges and a robust multiplayer and you have one of the true sleeper hits of 2009.

The Wheelman

Midway's swansong, like so many of their later efforts, missed true greatness by a hair or two but nevertheless The Wheelman is a fun little romp through the sandbox genre that borrows copiously from various other titles including GTA, Burnout, and even Just Cause. This jack-of-all-trades never manages to completely master any of them and yet the whole experience comes off as fun, breezy and most certainly eclectic, with Vin Diesel lending his voice and likeness to a story that is as derivative as it is harmless. It's easy to dismiss this game and to be honest I nearly did but the Burn Out-like chases and the ability to leap from moving vehicles and jack other vehicles won me over. Again, not a mind-blowing title by any means but one that manages to deliver something fun and occasionally, fresh.

Kill Zone 2

In gaming, ten months is an eternity and in the time since the release of this hotly-anticipated shooter much of the fervor has dissipated. From a technical standpoint I think KZ2 dropkicks even Uncharted 2 with a visual quality that is unmatched in the genre save for Crysis. Not everyone was entirely open to the game play but I found the more methodical, weighty feel of the weapons and combat to be a refreshing change of pace from most FPS where gravity doesn't seem to affect soldiers lugging around heavy equipment and armor. The massive leap in quality from the original to the sequel also amazed me, as I had serious doubts that a developer could improve that much in the span of a single iteration.

Fight Night Round 4

For whatever reasons, the popularity of this title waned rapidly which is a true shame because this is the most accurate simulation of the sport to ever grace the medium. As deep and technical as you want to make it, FNR4 captures many of the fundamentals missing from past boxing games including the importance of counterpunching, the necessity of footwork, and finally, after all these years, the ability to shove an opponent back to set up an offensive barrage or to get some much-needed distance for defensive purposes. The game itself is a technical marvel, offering an almost photo-realistic presentation that moves at a blistering 60 frames per second.

Watchmen: The End is Nigh

The genre of the beat em' up isn't merely dying; it's dead and lying on a slab, cold to the touch. Generally, when an entry does come along it is so incredibly uninspired and clings so fervently to pre-established paradigms that it feels stale and tasteless. Despite being pushed aside and in some cases completely lambasted, Watchmen: The End is Nigh is a pretty good brawler that looks terrific and sports a decent combo and counter system that is deeper than most of its brethren. Unfortunately, the second part of this game was rushed and seemed far more glitch-filled when contrasted with the first segment, which I found to be fairly polished.

GTA: The Lost and the Damned/ Ballad of Gay Tony

Both of these episodes are a steal for their respective price tag of twenty dollars and now that they have been made available on a disc without the need to own the original GTAIV it is my sincerest hope that everybody gets a chance to play these incredibly well-made expansions, each feeling like an entirely separate game and in some cases rivaling the length and content found in many full retail titles. Even those who found GTAIV too vanilla generally agree that what's available on these expansions gives the entire franchise a serious injection of vitality, with a bevy of new weapons, increased mission variety, and two very compelling narratives that tie in snugly to the overall story found in the original.

God of War Collection/ Metroid Collection

I'm a sucker for any collection, especially when said collection offers definitive versions of games already widely considered to be classics. Both of these collections contain games that in some cases have been available for years but both collections give the gamer a serious bonus. The God of War Collection allows PS3 owners to play both the original and the sequel in 720p, with absolutely no screen tearing and a stable frame rate of 60fps throughout. These games have never looked or played better and even though I owned and played through the originals I find myself eager to revisit these masterpieces by playing them in an optimum resolution. Metroid's additions are just as significant, with the first two GameCube titles getting a complete interface overhaul, allowing for the same Wimote controls found in MP3. Arguably the best gaming value since The Orange Box.

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#2 Black_Knight_00
Member since 2007 • 78 Posts
I couldn't agree more about Call of Juarez BiB. I personally convinced a dozen people to buy it and they were all satisfied.
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#3 jjtiebuckle
Member since 2008 • 1856 Posts
I would agree with your list even though I have yet to play most of those titles simply because I've read little threads discussing them EXCEPT Killzone 2, which is not to say 10 months is a short life span, but Reististance 2 lasted even shorter and there are too many other great titles that came out this year to shadow KZ's reign. I would blame it on the al a a al a al alsylum that is batman.
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#4 AtomicTangerine
Member since 2005 • 4413 Posts

Man, some of those games are either super-popular or weren't that good I thought...

BUT YES TO BIONIC COMMANDO! That game was great, but got ignored. Most of the negative reactions I saw were from people who didn't even play the game but instead quoted reviews about the blue mist...

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#5 Archangel3371  Online
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Oh hell yeah for Bionic Commando, such a sad fate to have befallen GRIN after giving us both this and the fantastic Rearmed. I also found Wolverine to be a very solid and enjoyable game as well. If it wasn't for the amazing Batman AA it would be my most favourite of recent super-hero games. I haven't gotten a chance to play any of the other games in your list but there are definitely several others I'm planning on picking up in the somewhat near future.

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#6 Nifty_Shark
Member since 2007 • 13137 Posts

Hmm. Interesting list. Can't agree with most of those titles.

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#7 ASK_Story
Member since 2006 • 11455 Posts

Good list but I really thought Killzone 2 did get attention and praise. Or I guess maybe it didn't get enough like it should have.

I also have to list a few games I'm playing that are being overlooked:

  • Might & Magic Clash of Heroes, perhaps the best RPG/Puzzle game I've played
  • Torchlight, a awesome Diablo-clone
  • Brutal Legend, a really original and fun action/adventure game,
  • Henry Hatsworth, a real good 2D platformer and puzzler that was overlooked
  • Murasmasa, a beautifully illustrated masterpiece
  • A Boy and His Blob, also a beautifull illustrated masterpiece

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#8 pvtdonut54
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Dawn of War 2, it didn't deserve all of its criticisms, but it was still well-recieved.

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#9 maf10s1
Member since 2008 • 25 Posts
I agree with you 100% on this list, nice work
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#10 Grammaton-Cleric
Member since 2002 • 7515 Posts

Good list but I really thought Killzone 2 did get attention and praise. Or I guess maybe it didn't get enough like it should have.


I think it came early, soaked up some accoladesand was forgotten despite being a pretty damn spectacular title. I have serious doubts it'll make many GOTY lists save for Best Graphics.

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#11 BloodSeeker1337
Member since 2009 • 1278 Posts
X-Men origins Wolverine
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#12 chadwick1343
Member since 2009 • 944 Posts
Brutal Legend, Red Faction Guerilla, Infamous, Chronicles of Riddick, H.A.W.X., UFC Undisputed
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#13 creepy_mike
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Surprised no-one's mentioned...

Boom Blox Bash Party - a well fleshed-out sequel to what I consider the Wii's best original 3rd party IP.

Dead Space Extraction - legitimized rail-shooters, and managed to stay surprisingly faithful to the orginal's gameplay despite a drastic genre shift.

Excitebots - haven't actually played it, but from everything I've seen/read it seems like an insanely fast, fun and varied racer

Flower - not so much a game as simple, beautiful, leisurely experience, devoid of any challenge and all the better for it.

Sonic's Ultimate Genesis Collection - pretty much the best compilation of Genesis classics you could ever expect to obtain legally, and it contains Dynamite Headdy, my personal all-time favorite 2D platformer.

Wii Sports Resort - legitimized motion control, however short-lived WM+'s marketability may prove to be and unlike most early purchasers, I'm still trying to best myself at my favorite mini-games to this day.

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#14 Prodigy_basic
Member since 2002 • 3808 Posts

Punch Out!

For a game that was supposedly wanted by every gamer on the planet, the reception for this title seemed incredibly subdued. The muted reception is even harder to comprehend considering how brilliantly well executed this game is; a slick, charming retro dosage of classic gaming that manages to be simultaneously nostalgic and fresh. I was incredibly skeptical that a relatively unknown developer could capture the magic of the original (or the sequel) but they delivered one of the Wii's best titles.

Kill Zone 2

In gaming, ten months is an eternity and in the time since the release of this hotly-anticipated shooter much of the fervor has dissipated. From a technical standpoint I think KZ2 dropkicks even Uncharted 2 with a visual quality that is unmatched in the genre save for Crysis. Not everyone was entirely open to the game play but I found the more methodical, weighty feel of the weapons and combat to be a refreshing change of pace from most FPS where gravity doesn't seem to affect soldiers lugging around heavy equipment and armor. The massive leap in quality from the original to the sequel also amazed me, as I had serious doubts that a developer could improve that much in the span of a single iteration.

Fight Night Round 4

For whatever reasons, the popularity of this title waned rapidly which is a true shame because this is the most accurate simulation of the sport to ever grace the medium. As deep and technical as you want to make it, FNR4 captures many of the fundamentals missing from past boxing games including the importance of counterpunching, the necessity of footwork, and finally, after all these years, the ability to shove an opponent back to set up an offensive barrage or to get some much-needed distance for defensive purposes. The game itself is a technical marvel, offering an almost photo-realistic presentation that moves at a blistering 60 frames per second.


great list, and although i have not played most of these titles i can see why you would put them here, and i especially agree the above mentions...however i can't see god of war collection being in an "underrated games" list quite yet, as the game has sold quite decentlyin the short amount of time it's been outand as far as i know has gotten great reviews across the board (and as you mentioned, is an excellent value at its price point)...

my only addition to your list would be forza motorsport 3...this game is getting 9+ scores everywhere and for good reason - it quite simply is the best racer ever to be released, and yet it can't crack the top 20 in sales in its first full month out...forza 3 may be the only sim racer to cater to both the hardcore sim player and the player who's never played a racer before but wants to try, and just happen to succeed masterfully on both fronts...i fear that this may suffer the same way fight night 4 will - maybe people are already tired of boxing and racing games?

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#15 dakan45
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I have to agree about bionic commando, apart from the last level and ending, it was an EPIC journey/experiance!!! But i guess the last part really killed the game. Anyway i stil dont understand how it passed unoticed, i expectated it to get an 8.5 or something and even a sequel, but i guess the ending killed the sequel!!
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#16 S0lidSnake
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From a technical standpoint I think KZ2 dropkicks even Uncharted 2 with a visual quality that is unmatched in the genre save for Crysis.Grammaton_cleric

Thank you!! U2 looks fantastic, but KZ2 is in its own league. It's simply a technical marvel.

Not everyone was entirely open to the game play but I found the more methodical, weighty feel of the weapons and combat to be a refreshing change of pace from most FPS where gravity doesn't seem to affect soldiers lugging around heavy equipment and armor.Grammaton_cleric

I agree. I prefer the methodical feel of the campaign over something like MW2 which is a bit too crazy/fast paced for me. The story was pretty damn disappointing though, right down to the ending.

I still need to try out Call of Juarez 2. Should rent it and see what the fuss is all about.

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#17 S0lidSnake
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Good list but I really thought Killzone 2 did get attention and praise. Or I guess maybe it didn't get enough like it should have.


It has a metacritic score of 91, same score as Assassin's Creed 2 and Batman AA, but since it came out earlier in the year, it doesnt have the momentum to make it on the GOTY lists.

Just look at what happened last year. GTA4 and MGS4 were almost ignored by most publications and most of the GOTY awards went to LBP and Fallout3. (Not saying they didnt deserve em, just that people tend to remember recent releases more when thinking of their GOTYs.

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#18 martialbullet
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Fight Night really took simulation to a whole new level with Fight Night Round 4. Maybe not what many wanted. Along with some changes, FNR4 sort of turned people off for those who were looking for a realistic, yet fun and accessible boxing game like FNR3.

Reconfiguring the Total Punch Control by placing every type of punch on the RS made things less intuitive and clumsy at times. Though fights are more methodical and true to the actual sport (and probably not as much jab spamming as before).

As for presentation, while more improved character models and the new physics added a greater level of detail to what was already a technical masterpiece, there were still some things that fell short. The sound effects (mainly the punches) are almost non-existent. Sure, punches in real life don't actually make such loud noises, but the sound of slamming against flesh was quite a satisfying feedback in FNR3. Speaking of satisfying feedback, KO/replays are underwhemling with zoomed out cameras making it difficult to see the detailed action and ripple effects that don't seem to be as good as it's predecessor.

Other than that, Round 4 is still a pretty good game in it's own right. I guess it's sort of like the Need for Speed Shift of Fight Night. I don't know if I would call it an underrated game, I'd say it's critical reception and moderate commercial success was fair.

and finally, after all these years, the ability to shove an opponent back to set up an offensive barrage or to get some much-needed distance for defensive purposes.


Round 3 actually had shoving.

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#19 skp_16
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Way of the Samurai 3

The Saboteur

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#20 GodModeEnabled
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Xmen Origins Wolverine was one of my favorite games this year. I loved the visceral gory combat, not since god of war has a game conveyed such a sense of being a relentless badass killing machine of a character. Several times through the game I was literally shouting hell yes!! Very well done. Id also nominate the UFC game as well, I thought it was an extremley complex but rewarding fighter with a great career mode and great graphics and play.
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#21 btaylor2404
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Out of your list the God Of War collection is a must have for any PS3 owner. Other than cut scenes it looks great, still plays great, and you get both games at a great price. Getting me ready for III. My personal choice would be Civ Revolution. It's a fantastic, addictive game, that I didn't think would be worth a crap on a console, but is great.
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#22 ASK_Story
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Just wanted to list another great game that I thought was overlooked. Ghostbusters I just picked this up and it's a real fun game. It's probably the best thing next to a real Ghostbusters 3 movie. Also, all the people who I know played it (and loved it) say that the game has a better story than the two movies. And it has the voice-overs from the actual actors which makes the game a must-play for fans!
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#23 Vesica_Prime
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Personally for me it is Serious Sam HD, game of the year back in 2001 with updated graphics and engine. But I just do not understand why it got a 5.0 from here.

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#24 LoG-Sacrament
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i agree with madworld. so many games try to hide their appealings to our more sadistic tendencies. madworld is hilariously up front with its presentation. oh yeah, and it plays well too.
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#25 ASK_Story
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Also, I just picked up Bionic Commando. Finally got it! It's $20 at Frys so I'm glad I was there to pick this up! And I agree that the critics were harsh toward that game. So far, it's pretty cool! The framerate is real smooth which is definitely good. I think this is a game I'll enjoy for sure. This, Ghostbusters, and Call of Juarez Bound in Blood are great games that I picked up recently. They really are overlooked games that deserved so much better.
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#26 argianas
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MadWorld is interesting in that it was the champion of the Nintendo crowd, the crown jewel of the proof that hardcore games can do very well on the Wii. Then they didn't bother buying it knowing that it'll be in the bargain bin in three months since no one will buy it, then went back to whine about how no one will make hardcore games on the Wii due to the misconception that no one will buy them. I don't get it. Anyway I did enjoy the game, but I did get it on sale over the summer. I don't think I would have enjoyed it as much full price since the long term value just wasn't there (for me), and it did have its own problems like camera (which many Wii games tend to suffer from) and I had some depth perception issues due to the artistic design of the game, plus the high score list was almost pointless outside of the minigames I think. Still, an entertaining diversion that was quickly forgotten.

Bionic Commando was just awesome. It did have its problems, like the weapon power (which sucked in the first half, but once you got the too-long-overdue arm powers in the midway point of the game who cares about guns really when you can crush a dude with a hurled car?) and some silly checkpoint design issues and annoying collectables in that you MUST get them all in one playthrough. But the base swinging mechanics was just great and had a ton of potential - the concept is great and could make a great foundation for a very strong sequel, but Capcom has already abandoned the 3D series due to horrible reviews and poor sales. The radiation wasn't a problem for me at all - it wasn't invisible like people claimed it was, and if I got into almost every radiation cloud I was pretty much going to die anyway since I would be way off course and falling into a lake with no escape. Man I loved swinging through the ruined atrium...

I got Wheelman in the same summer sale as the last two but didn't get around to it yet. I did like the demo overall through.

I did pop in KillZone 2 not too long ago to give the multiplayer another short run, and I've forgotten just how good it was. I wasn't upset that I can't run like a world class sprinter with giant weapons and full body armor like most people are, and while the overall story and characters sucked (not to mention the color palette) the engine was impressive, and the multiplayer design is simply great. At the very least I just find the MP design better than MW2's. But yeah if you release a game in February good luck winning a GOTY award unless the field that year is relatively weak.

I never got the GTAIV DLC despite really wanting to give it a spin based on reviews and impressions since I got the PS3 version of the game. The retail disc is definitely something I'm looking forward to pick up once the major release backlog calms down a little.

I got Red Faction Guerrilla on Steam when it released for the PC in September (a few months after its console launch), and the $40 for the game, all the DLC released at that point (especially the Samanya one), and both the original Red Faction games as a preorder bonus was a steal. Two things hurt this game. First, the three major summer releases were all open world games (inFamous and Prototype), so people were probably already burnt out on them or used up their budget before it hit. Second, the game released the week of E3 from what I recall, so obviously all the buzz on the news sites were about all the games that just released last month and not the games that were releasing that very week. Still I went in not expecting much and left pretty impressed. As you said the whole destruction mechanics, and being able to destroy pretty much any structure in the game, made for some entertaining gameplay. The little I played of the MP wasn't that bad either, as it's fun to bust through a wall to ambush someone.

For my own list I'd have to add Battlestations: Pacific. I liked the original and find that this one was pretty much an improvement in almost every way, but of course the game was destined to fail minus its very small niche. Pretty fun action/strategy hybrid of the naval/air battles in the Pacific in WWII.

I'd add Ar tonelico II also, but it's such a niche JRPG that I don't think anyone cares. Also, Shatter is a very good PSN game that's a new take on Arkanoid with boss battles and a suck/blow mechanic, with a pretty retro look and sound to it.

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#27 JonnyEarthquake
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Brutal Legend. There are probably more titles out there but all I see is Brutal Legend.

Also, buy Brutal Legend.

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#28 Gemini_Red
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Forgot Ar Tonelico II, good call. It was released so early in the year that I forgot it was released in 09. Great game, even if the QA was poor it had a great battle system, awesome soundtrack, and a pretty good story if not a bit standard. Definitely a niche title, it also being only on the PS2 made it easily overlooked as well.

While the game has only been out less than a week, I am betting we can add Silent Hill: Shattered Memories to the list as well. Great game but I think it will get overlooked because of the platforms it is on, and because some are throwing a tizzy about the direction it was taken that they refuse to play it.

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#29 argianas
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Forgot Ar Tonelico II, good call. It was released so early in the year that I forgot it was released in 09. Great game, even if the QA was poor it had a great battle system, awesome soundtrack, and a pretty good story if not a bit standard. Definitely a niche title, it also being only on the PS2 made it easily overlooked as well.


Yeah, I think it was going to be released in December but slid to January without an announcement. But it's true about the PS2. I mean I think that was a key reason why God of War 2 didn't do well in GOTY awards (that plus it was released in March). It's so easy to overlook older-looking titles with all these fancy new games with great technical graphical engines available.

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#30 Senor_Kami
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Man, Wanted was crap. I thought it was fun for the first two hours but after a while it's like, the game is really banking on bending bullets being enough to keep you going for the full course of the game and for me it wasn't at all.

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#31 _Dez_
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Looking back this year, I wasn't able to buy many brand new games as I would have liked. From that list, I did get to play through Killzone 2 and the GTA DLC. Killzone 2 was really fun, it was both one of the prettiest and ugliest looking games I played all year. If anything, we'll be seeing a lot of awards on best visuals, though I agree with what Argianas said. I can't think of any game at the moment that gets GOTY when released early on, and I suspect it's going to be the same thing for this game. The campaign is really fun and the production values are pretty amazing, though I didn't have much opportunity for the multiplayer. I really liked how objectives changed during a match. It made for a nice change of pace with what I'm used to playing in multiplayer games.

I found the GTA DLC to be really good. Tons of content for a great price, I thought it did well. Don't know about it being underrated. It did reinvigorate my interest in series, as IV really put me off for some reason. It's most likely the addition of checkpoints. I can't thank Rockstar enough for finally adding checkpoints mid mission, to make my experience with the game less frustrating. The Lost and the Damned was really fun, but it was the Ballad of Gay Tony that really stood out as a fantastic expansion of IV. Real nice variety of over-the-top missions with an emphasis on taking to the skies was something I missed from San Andreas. The only issue I had was the transition of moving from Uncharted controls back to GTA. Feels so weird moving like a tank again, I hope that can be improved for the next game.

If I had to pick, I think Bowser's Inside Story was a pretty underrated title. It's a perfection of the Mario RPG formula that varies nicely between Bowser and the Bros. A charming game that seemed to go somewhat unnoticed around here. I'm not sure how it's doing in sales though, so that could be a different story.

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#32 deactivated-5c8e4e07d5510
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Cryostasis and Dawn of War 2 were pretty underrated.

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#33 argianas
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Looking back this year, I wasn't able to buy many brand new games as I would have liked. From that list, I did get to play through Killzone 2 and the GTA DLC. Killzone 2 was really fun, it was both one of the prettiest and ugliest looking games I played all year. If anything, we'll be seeing a lot of awards on best visuals, though I agree with what Argianas said. I can't think of any game at the moment that gets GOTY when released early on, and I suspect it's going to be the same thing for this game.


In the last decade, the only one I can think of that consistently won at many sites is Resident Evil 4, which came out in a January. But like I mentioned, the year was pretty weak. I think its main competition was, what, FEAR and Dragon Quest VIII? Maybe another game or two, but they were the kind of games that said "very good, but not GOTY material."

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#34 S0lidSnake
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Looking back this year, I wasn't able to buy many brand new games as I would have liked. From that list, I did get to play through Killzone 2 and the GTA DLC. Killzone 2 was really fun, it was both one of the prettiest and ugliest looking games I played all year. If anything, we'll be seeing a lot of awards on best visuals, though I agree with what Argianas said. I can't think of any game at the moment that gets GOTY when released early on, and I suspect it's going to be the same thing for this game.


In the last decade, the only one I can think of that consistently won at many sites is Resident Evil 4, which came out in a January. But like I mentioned, the year was pretty weak. I think its main competition was, what, FEAR and Dragon Quest VIII? Maybe another game or two, but they were the kind of games that said "very good, but not GOTY material."

Yeah, RE4 has been the only exception. But that game also had a rerelease on the PS2 in October and AFAIK, it sold more on the PS2 than it did on GC. So it undoubtedly benefitted from such a late rerelease.

and mid mission checkpoints are the reason why I never bothered to finish GTA4. Cant wait to get my hands on the episodes though. All sandbox games hsould have mid mission checkpoints (Infamous even had checkpoints in the middle of boss fights. Now that was awesome! )

P.S SOTC came out in 2005 dude. It won over SOTC!!!!!

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#35 190586385885857957282413308806
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I played Batman AA and Xmen Origins: Wolverine pretty much during the same time period and they complemented each other perfectly. I've never concurrently played two games that were both solid in their own rights that picked up where the other fell short. Batman was a practice in patience and timing while Wolverine was pretty much educated buttonmashing. Where one made me feel vulnerable in the fact that I had to be stealthy the other made me feel like I could eat tanks for breakfast. Call of Juarez is a game I was playing but stopped because more exciting games came out but what I played of it was solid, just need some time to go back to it. It was getting praised on the PC forums for being a very solid shooter but the console market seemed to have skipped this entry for some reason. Westerns have always been a niche genre and hopefully that's something Redemption could rectify. (I want a damn Saloon brawl in one of these games) On my own list I would have to add Wolfenstein to the list. It feels pretty outdated by FPS standards; it has scriped enemy deaths that you'll witness over and over, not a lot of variety in enemies and the graphics are appropriate I guess (the game looks like a launch title 360 era game) However, there's something timeless about Nazis, the supernatural and killing said nazis while ruining their plans. I like some of the weapons and the upgrade system and there's a lot of things to find. Also Risen, an RPG for PC made by the people that made the Gothic games seems to have been slept on I think because a little over a month later Dragons Age Origins was coming out. The game is graphically on par with DA:O (female character models are pretty goofy looking though, they tried to do the big chest thing on most females and it looks like the actual diaphram is huge and then boobs were placed on tope of an already monsterous huge test. I mean these women have like 64B bra's...if they wore them.) Actually I may give the graphics over to Risen because I'm liking the lush tropical island Risen takes place on. Oh and I get my ass kick by boars just like the Gothic games in the beginning.
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#36 Michael-Smith
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The only game I've played on that list is Punch Out, which I absolutely agree hasn't been as well received as expected. It's one of the best games I've played on the Wii. I would also add Torchlight to the list. It's a great game, and the level of polish, replay ability, and editor that comes with it make it a great buy at $20. If you're an ARPG kind of person (Diablo type games), then this is a must have. It's download only right not, but retail discs are hitting the shelves next month.
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#37 Grammaton-Cleric
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Man, Wanted was crap. I thought it was fun for the first two hours but after a while it's like, the game is really banking on bending bullets being enough to keep you going for the full course of the game and for me it wasn't at all.


Curving bullets was only part of the gameplay; the cover system was slick, the slow motion was handled well,and some of the set pieces (i.e. airplane) were unique. Shooting theoncoming bullets out of the air was a cool little twist and the sniper sections were decent if not wholly original. As shooters go, I'd venture to state that Wanted had more variety than most and despite some flaws it's a far cry from being "crap."

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#38 argianas
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Looking back this year, I wasn't able to buy many brand new games as I would have liked. From that list, I did get to play through Killzone 2 and the GTA DLC. Killzone 2 was really fun, it was both one of the prettiest and ugliest looking games I played all year. If anything, we'll be seeing a lot of awards on best visuals, though I agree with what Argianas said. I can't think of any game at the moment that gets GOTY when released early on, and I suspect it's going to be the same thing for this game.


In the last decade, the only one I can think of that consistently won at many sites is Resident Evil 4, which came out in a January. But like I mentioned, the year was pretty weak. I think its main competition was, what, FEAR and Dragon Quest VIII? Maybe another game or two, but they were the kind of games that said "very good, but not GOTY material."

Yeah, RE4 has been the only exception. But that game also had a rerelease on the PS2 in October and AFAIK, it sold more on the PS2 than it did on GC. So it undoubtedly benefitted from such a late rerelease.

and mid mission checkpoints are the reason why I never bothered to finish GTA4. Cant wait to get my hands on the episodes though. All sandbox games hsould have mid mission checkpoints (Infamous even had checkpoints in the middle of boss fights. Now that was awesome! )

P.S SOTC came out in 2005 dude. It won over SOTC!!!!!

Oh yeah I forgot about SOTC, but let's be honest here, part of a criteria for GOTY for most sites is units sold, whether they'll admit it or not. SOTC is simply too artsy to win the GOTY, but it'll get mentioned as a finalist. Plus it did have some technical issues and some were turned off by all the empty land and the bosses didn't click with some people (and I will never stop poking fun at my friend due to this).

And that is true about RE4, I was thinking of it a little after posting. I'm sure having a "reminder" that RE4 was released in October probably helped. Though didn't it kinda sell better on the GC since so many picked it up just for the game?

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#39 wigan_gamer
Member since 2008 • 3293 Posts
For me the few games I think havn't got enough attention are Fallen earth and shattered horizon... Those games are top quality yet recieved no attention :(
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#40 D3s7rUc71oN
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In the last decade, the only one I can think of that consistently won at many sites is Resident Evil 4, which came out in a January. But like I mentioned, the year was pretty weak. I think its main competition was, what, FEAR and Dragon Quest VIII? Maybe another game or two, but they were the kind of games that said "very good, but not GOTY material."


Yeah, RE4 has been the only exception. But that game also had a rerelease on the PS2 in October and AFAIK, it sold more on the PS2 than it did on GC. So it undoubtedly benefitted from such a late rerelease.

and mid mission checkpoints are the reason why I never bothered to finish GTA4. Cant wait to get my hands on the episodes though. All sandbox games hsould have mid mission checkpoints (Infamous even had checkpoints in the middle of boss fights. Now that was awesome! )

P.S SOTC came out in 2005 dude. It won over SOTC!!!!!

Oh yeah I forgot about SOTC, but let's be honest here, part of a criteria for GOTY for most sites is units sold, whether they'll admit it or not. SOTC is simply too artsy to win the GOTY, but it'll get mentioned as a finalist. Plus it did have some technical issues and some were turned off by all the empty land and the bosses didn't click with some people (and I will never stop poking fun at my friend due to this).

And that is true about RE4, I was thinking of it a little after posting. I'm sure having a "reminder" that RE4 was released in October probably helped. Though didn't it kinda sell better on the GC since so many picked it up just for the game?

God of War was also released on 05 along with Forza, Call of Duty 2 was release late in the year the one developed by IW. I remember reading that RE4 was scheduled to release during the 04 holidays, but something (don't remember what it was) pushed it to release the 2nd week of January. Just imagine if that game had came out in 04 competing with games such as Ninja Gaiden, Burnout 3, Riddick, WoW, Halo 2, Half Life 2, UT 2k4, Far Cry, Metroid Prime 2, Metal Gear Solid 3, MGS Twin Snakes, Splinter Cell Pandora Tomorrow, Paper Mario Thousand year door; Man tha was a ******* amazing year, I feel like playing most of those titles right now. I still think RE4 would have pulled of many GOTY awards.

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#41 BioShockOwnz
Member since 2006 • 52901 Posts

I wouldn't say they're all "underrated", but some of these are definitely underappreciated, as some received high scores and still sold poorly...

Stoked: Big Air Edition

Stoked: Big Air Edition Boxshot


Wet BoxshotWet Boxshot


Risen BoxshotRisen Boxshot

Sacred 2 on consoles (PC version released at the end of last year)

Sacred 2: Fallen Angel BoxshotSacred 2: Fallen Angel Boxshot


Torchlight Boxshot

Call of Juarez: Bound In Blood

Call of Juarez: Bound in Blood BoxshotCall of Juarez: Bound in Blood BoxshotCall of Juarez: Bound in Blood Boxshot

Chronicles of Riddick: Assault on Dark Athena

The Chronicles of Riddick: Assault on Dark Athena BoxshotThe Chronicles of Riddick: Assault on Dark Athena BoxshotThe Chronicles of Riddick: Assault on Dark Athena Boxshot

The Saboteur

The Saboteur BoxshotThe Saboteur BoxshotThe Saboteur Boxshot

Brutal Legend (Had a lot of initial hype, but I don't think it got the sales or reception it deserved from most places)

Brutal Legend BoxshotBrutal Legend Boxshot


Wolfenstein BoxshotWolfenstein BoxshotWolfenstein Boxshot

Raiden Fighters Aces

Raiden Fighters Aces Boxshot

Raiden IV

Raiden IV Boxshot

Velvet Assassin

Velvet Assassin BoxshotVelvet Assassin Boxshot

Bionic Commando

Bionic Commando BoxshotBionic Commando BoxshotBionic Commando Boxshot


Cryostasis: The Sleep of Reason Boxshot

A Boy and His Blob

A Boy and His Blob Boxshot


MadWorld Boxshot

House of the Dead: Overkill

The House of the Dead: Overkill Boxshot


Nostalgia Boxshot

Blue Dragon Plus

Blue Dragon Plus Boxshot

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#42 UpInFlames
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In the last decade, the only one I can think of that consistently won at many sites is Resident Evil 4, which came out in a January. But like I mentioned, the year was pretty weak. I think its main competition was, what, FEAR and Dragon Quest VIII? Maybe another game or two, but they were the kind of games that said "very good, but not GOTY material."argianas

Civilization IV. Resident Evil 4 is a fantastic game, but Civ IV owns it. But it's a turn-based strategy and no mainstream gaming outlet is going to go with a turn-based strategy game over an action game. Even a wildly popular multimillion-seller like Civ IV.

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#43 argianas
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[QUOTE="argianas"]In the last decade, the only one I can think of that consistently won at many sites is Resident Evil 4, which came out in a January. But like I mentioned, the year was pretty weak. I think its main competition was, what, FEAR and Dragon Quest VIII? Maybe another game or two, but they were the kind of games that said "very good, but not GOTY material."UpInFlames

Civilization IV. Resident Evil 4 is a fantastic game, but Civ IV owns it. But it's a turn-based strategy and no mainstream gaming outlet is going to go with a turn-based strategy game over an action game. Even a wildly popular multimillion-seller like Civ IV.

Ah, now I remember some other games that came out that year. Yeah Civ IV owns, but face it, sites aren't going to name a PC-only title as GOTY, as I'm sure you know. This and GoW were great though, and now I recall that they split my vote.

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#44 Gemini_Red
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[QUOTE="argianas"]In the last decade, the only one I can think of that consistently won at many sites is Resident Evil 4, which came out in a January. But like I mentioned, the year was pretty weak. I think its main competition was, what, FEAR and Dragon Quest VIII? Maybe another game or two, but they were the kind of games that said "very good, but not GOTY material."argianas

Civilization IV. Resident Evil 4 is a fantastic game, but Civ IV owns it. But it's a turn-based strategy and no mainstream gaming outlet is going to go with a turn-based strategy game over an action game. Even a wildly popular multimillion-seller like Civ IV.

Ah, now I remember some other games that came out that year. Yeah Civ IV owns, but face it, sites aren't going to name a PC-only title as GOTY, as I'm sure you know. This and GoW were great though, and now I recall that they split my vote.

World of Warcraft says hello :P

But yeah, for the most part that's very true.

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#45 Rikuide_Furame
Member since 2008 • 994 Posts

Great list though I don't think that KZ2 and the GTA DLC count as underrated (even given the price tag of the GTA DLC). This would make a good blog, particularly given the time of the year.

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#46 Grammaton-Cleric
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Wet BoxshotWet Boxshot


Wet is a great game and vastly underrated in every sense of the word.

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#47 UpInFlames
Member since 2004 • 13301 Posts

Ah, now I remember some other games that came out that year. Yeah Civ IV owns, but face it, sites aren't going to name a PC-only title as GOTY, as I'm sure you know. This and GoW were great though, and now I recall that they split my vote.argianas

GOTY? Dude, three words - Best Graphics, Technical. :P

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#48 S0lidSnake
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[QUOTE="argianas"]Ah, now I remember some other games that came out that year. Yeah Civ IV owns, but face it, sites aren't going to name a PC-only title as GOTY, as I'm sure you know. This and GoW were great though, and now I recall that they split my vote.UpInFlames

GOTY? Dude, three words - Best Graphics, Technical. :P

Three more words - Expansions dont count. :P

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#50 argianas
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[QUOTE="argianas"]Ah, now I remember some other games that came out that year. Yeah Civ IV owns, but face it, sites aren't going to name a PC-only title as GOTY, as I'm sure you know. This and GoW were great though, and now I recall that they split my vote.UpInFlames

GOTY? Dude, three words - Best Graphics, Technical. :P

I meant more of an overall GOTY (WOW was really the only such game this decade that I can recall, but the game itself is also something of an anomaly in many ways). Yeah PC games will do better in some categories than others, but the market is so console-driven that someone with a PC background on the staff is almost an afterthought. That plus the PC seems to be losing its grip on technical graphics awards since people are voting on technically impressive given the platform the game is on more than just raw technically impressive these days.