I dont think there are frame drops like in Assasin's Creed, more like a consistent sub 30 framerate. especially when turning and shooting, the shimmering on trees was kinda bad too. I do love the visual touches like the Depth of field, the motion blur and of course the heat distortion effects. The intro with the water is probably the most amazing visual effect i've seen in a video game.
How far along in the game are you? I am starting the section on the FDR drive. I hear it starts looking better later in the campaign.
I'm just a tad further than you. (The FDR collapse was amazing looking.)
The most jarring framerate drops I've experienced have been, oddly enough, when I zoom out using the scope on one of the rifles. The framerate certainly dips but the game has played mostly briskly, though not nearly as fluid as something like COD. (Understandable given the much more intensive graphical demands being levied against the console)
Did you install the game to the HD? From what I've heard this makes a bit of difference in terms of performance, including improved load times, less texture pop-up, and a slightly more stable framerate.
The motion blur is among the best I've experienced on a console and the game achieves photo-realism in several instances. Also, while the human enemies move similar to other FPS, the aliens traverse the terrain with strikingly fluid and realistic animation that borders of surrealism.
Incidentally, I've only played the demo of KZ3. It actually seemed pretty stable in terms of fps. Does it maintain that framerate throughout the single player campaign?
Yeah, the zooming in and out can be a bit jarring. But I love how there is transition animation everytime you zoom in AND out. Most games dont even bother with that, and some do it too quickly. I have the game running off the HD, and have experienced no texture pop-in whatsoever. I definitely agree that the game is more photorealistic than any other game I've played. The tall manhattan skyscrapers look very realistic and love the motion blur when turning your rifle, but that results in the slightly jittery framerate that hinders the overall performance.
KZ3 has one major sequence early on in the game when the framerate dips to below 20, but it's extremely smooth through out. It's just as weighty as Crysis 2, but turning doesn't have an effect on the framerate(probably because they have toned down the motion blur a lot which doesn't cause a hit to the framerate) It also has this gorgeous lighting, sharp IQ, and fantastic art direction. I will go back and play it again to compare but i think KZ3 just barely edges out Crysis 2. But of course i havent played the whole game yet.
Loved fighting the aliens btw. Still need to formulate a decent strategy to counter their fast movements. I had to resort to maximum armor to be able to take their melee attacks.
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