Super Mario Galaxy is coming out in less than a week, and I think it's safe to say that it will be a candidate for Game of the Year in many people's eyes. I was talking about Galaxy with some of my friends and they all apparently think it wouldn't have a thing on Halo. I was recently talking to the same group of friends about wanting to get a PS3. My reasoning behind this was that Metal Gear Solid 4 will be a PS3 exclusive, as will other games such as Killzone and Ratchet and Clank. My friends then proceeded to tell me that Ratchet and Clank was a terrible game series, so in turn, I said this:
"You all just hate platformers, don't you?" They all drew a blank. They had NO IDEA what a platformer was. Because of this, I have decided to list some popular platformers that have defined gaming.
MARIO- When he isn't playing tennis or racing against other people on go-karts, he is jumping on different surfaces to get to the end of a level (or, more recently, to collect stars). The very definition of a platformer. This was the first video game of the modern age in my opinion.
SONIC- Sega's way to combat Mario's success is one of the most memorable games, series, and characters to ever appear in a game. While incorporating speed into the mix, you jump from surface to surface, collecting rings, and freeing wild-life. That's a platformer.
CRASH BANDICOOT- This is really the "oddball" of all popular platformers, mainly due to the face that it's 3D and 2D at the same time. While many people didn't like this game, it was still fun and memorable. I popped in Crash Bandicoot 3 a year ago, and it's stlll a satisfying game. Nevertheless, it's a platformer.
RATCHET AND CLANK- While combat is more prominent in this game than other platformers, it is still a platformer at heart.
METROID- In all metroid games, there is heavy exploration involved, and in most cases, exploration and platforming go hand in hand, with the Exception of Elder Scrolls and Grand Theft Auto. This one is also very uniquesince, in the case of the Prime series, it is the first and only first person platformer to my knowledge.
CASTLEVANIA- While the main premise of these games is killing Dracula and his minions, there are many platforming elements. In fact, the most challenging things in the game are platformer-related. Remember the hallway of pitfalls while the medusa heads are coming at you? Also, with Symphony of the Night, you transform from form to form in order to do things you couldn't normally get to as your humanoid form, which is a very frequent platformer characteristic.
SPYRO- This one may have fallen in quality over the years, but the original game was an exciting, well designed game at its heart. It was also a platformer.
Did any of you happen to notice a pattern here? Nearly every popular system ever made has had a platformer as its flagship series, with the exception of Xbox, which is obviously Halo. Super Mario Brothers was the first step into modern gaming. That's evident today to the fact that while Pitfall and Space Invaders came beforehand, they died quickly, while Mario is coming out with yet a new game that's said to not only be a great game, but one of the best that the plumber has put out. If you take a look at the list, four of the most popular and purely greatest game franchises fall into the category. Those are Mario, Sonic, Metroid and Castlevania. In my personal taste, my two favorite games are Super Mario 64 and Symphony of the night. As you can see, I love platformers.
I post this because the identity of the platformer is being gilded by countless cartoon video games and movie games that use the style to make half-baked games that sell well because of the license. These things are driving people away from the truly great platformers that we have. In all truth, it wasn't Gears of War's third-personshooter style,Halo's first-person shooter style, Dynasty Warrior's beat-em-up style, or Final Fantasy's RPGs that ushered in the golden age of gaming that we have had since the late eightie's. It was an 8-bit plumber in a red cap named Mario that did it all, and guess what? That was a platformer.
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