I logged onto Gamespot today and had a notification about a new game being backwards compatible on Xbox One. That game is Dead Space.
Now, I really like the first two games in the series, so hooray for fans who for some reason got rid of their 360 but still have their 360 copies of Dead Space. My question is why Gamespot dedicated an entire article to a game from 2008 suddenly being backwards compatible. This is not news. Hell, BC has been something many systems in the industry have had for a long time now, although I get that a lot of systems didn't have it due to hardware/ programming limitations (eg no N64 games on the Gamecube). I'm not calling out Gamespot, because they're just doing their job or reporting things.
I think the bigger problem is that this generation has been completely boring. Think about how many "remasters" have been wildly hyped. People creamed themselves when Last of Us was put on PS4 just a year after it was originally released. And I get that it brought in the DLC and whatnot, making it the complete edition, but still, that's what people have to get excited for? Most AAA game releases are just dull, so companies are relying way more on rereleasing old games. Seriously, Microsoft's last E3 included the "groundbreaking announcement" that they're including backwards compatibility! With certain games, of course. And it was met with applause.
What the hell is wrong with people? Has it really gotten to the point where people are so mindless that they're totally happy with remasters? I mean, I get it- many systems have used older games to make the transition to a new system smoother or improve upon an older game (what leaps to mind is the Final Fantasy trilogy of IV, V, and VI on the GBA). But the PS4 and Xbox One have both been out for several years now, and both have gotten a huge number of "remasters." We don't even call them ports anymore, even though that's what they are. And it's gotten to the point where gaming sites are reporting on games becoming backwards compatible. That's not even remastering- that's discussing a feature that was probably capable of being on the Xbox One in the first place.
I'd argue, too, that there's a difference between my GBA example and this remastering trend. Take Final Fantasy VI. Previously, it was only available on the SNES or, later, Playstation One, neither of which are exactly portable. But the GBA port added in brand new, never before seen content and made this terrific RPG portable. Now Take Dishonored Definitive Edition. It's a game from the previous generation that comes with all the bonus content. But it's not like the game is hard to find- there's always a few copies of it at most game stores I go to. So what the hell is the purpose of the rerelease aside from mildly improved graphics? Hell, the PS3/ 360 version also had a complete edition!! I purchased it myself!
Thoughts on this? Am I wrong or does anyone else agree that this trend is a little disturbing?
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