Hi! I'm speak not very well in english, so sorry for my faults .. :oops:
Well : I ask you if it's possible for one of the actual leader of the videogame market (Nintendo, Microsoft or Sony) to take a lot (very lot) of risk ?
==> Example : Nintendo for his wii, as take a risk.. and for the moment this risk paid a lot for him!
So =>> Do you think that it's possible -for the next generation- to have a powerfull 2D (and only that) console ?
Ok the casual gamers and young gamers will not be interressed by it, but how many old gamers began with a nes/master system/2d system, and regret this time when the imaginary was more important that technology ? A million i'm sure! ;)
So : Imagine a powerful console 2d (more powerful that atomiswave for exemple), with a down cost of development, and imagine this kind of game remasterized or a new game with this king of ambiance :
OK.. I stop; but there are many exemple, for me the 2d are moste impressive and magic that 3d, and like a million of nostalgik gamers, i would like a 2d console because :
1/It's less expansive to develope a game
2/The market will be relanced
3/The 2d is not dead
What do you think about that ? :D
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