I want to start off by making two points:
1. I have been a Nintendo fan but I am not a "diehard fan" and the last two consoles and several games have not been for me. In fact, I'd go so far as to label them as utter rubbish. What I'm saying is, I am not the type to support Nintendo, or anyone else, no matter what, so expect some brutal honesty here.
2. This is aimed at people who are genuinely on the fence about wanting to buy the Switch and whether or not Zelda: BOTW is worth it as an exclusive.
Let us begin with the Switch. There are plenty of hardware/console reviews out there so I'm not going to talk so much about the console itself, what I will mention is that as a piece of kit worth £280 it is really poor. The quality feels shabby (better than teh Wii mind but hey, everything's better than the Wii) and some of the basic problems are beyond comprehension in 2017: non-responsive joycons, dead pixels on the screen, the screen being scratched (wtf??? although I never experienced that on the Switch I played, I have seen plenty of scratched screens) and ultimately, the lack of power for a full priced piece of console hardware. Nintendo, that is just not on!
BUT and yes, this is a huge but, the portable aspect of the console is very good...heck, it could have been great if not for the flimsy feel of combining the joycons with the console and the utter crap of a battery life. However, that screen is colourful, beautiful, bright and in terms of portable graphics, the most powerful console of its type. Without sounding too cheesy, there's something just plain lovely about playing Zelda in bed...andn ow we get to the big part, Zelda.
I have said time and time again, Zelda as a series hit its absolute peak on the N64 from a gameplay perspective (never really had much of a story going for it). Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask are two of the greatest action adventure games of the era. Everything that followed felt like the developers had hit a plataeu, from Wind Waker to Skyward Sword. Don't get me wrong Ninty diehard, they were good games, very good in places but far from the standouts of their predecessor. The series just didn't seem to go anywhere innovative with its design, it failed to take on board what other action adventure games had been doing for years. It was stuck and needed a right ol' kick up the jacksy. In 2017, it gets one.
Breath of the Wild is the best game Nintendo have put out there since Mario Galaxy. It's the best Zelda game in almost two decades. The open world elements of several other RPGs and action adventure games is combined with the environmental survival that is so in vogue but unlike the Fallout series for example, where it's the absurdities of radiation and contaminated water that may kill you, here its the mundanity of cold weather (over a long period of time mind lol it is Zelda after all and its a game aimed squarely at the young). What does that mean? Well resource management in Zelda has a whole new meaning - you have to cook the correct food, find the correct clothing and use torches at the most opportune moment. That's damn good Nintendo! Oh and then there's teh weapons...or lack of. You see, you don't have to have a giant blade and some sorcery to kill the baddies, you can improvise. Mix and match battle tactics, use the environment. This is where the fun lies in the new Zelda, this is where Nintendo get's their mojo back. The environment is both your friend and enemy, it's where you find the next dungeon, its where the story progresses...it is a truly open world experience. Go there, do that and most importantly, do it how you like. I shall repeat, it's a lot of fun!
That is however...al that there is. Once again, the story is uninvolving, or I feel it is anyway and the graphics seriously underwhelm. The art style is many years out of date (cartoonish, cell shade-ish in 2017? especially after two such titles already?), the draw distance is hard to ascertain as everything in the distance is pale (washedout colours we were told are part of the art style) and ultimately, the world is large but so so so empty even when compared to last gen open world games and that, well that is just bollocks. It's all well and good to have gently swaying grass stretch out to the horizon with enemies dotted about in the distance but when there's nothing else to it, what's the point? Much like the console itself, the game does a lot but it does not do any of it particularly well. This is an action adventure that feeds off a lot of other games of the sort, it even manages to polish up certain aspects but it adds nothing to the formula.
This ultimately leads me to question the scroes reviewers have given it, 10/10 left, right and center, meaning this is an essential purchase...it isn't. You could go your whole gaming life without having played BOTW and not have missed out on naything that is already present in so many other games. Maybe there's a reason for the large disparity between critics and users on metacritic? Food for thought.
Yet, if I owned a Switch, I would buy this game, only because it would be the only game worth having and the only game that shows off what the console can do. If I didn't have a switch and felt nostalgic for some Zelda and/or owned a WiiU, I'd get it too. Not an essential part of nay library and not an essential aspect of the Switch either but something worth playing for the hell of it. I repeat, it's a lot of fun but it is not an evolution of the genre, simply an evolution of the series...could the same be said about the Switch? It does not change console gaming but it does change where Nintendo were this time last year.
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