Ill keep this short. The last polished game i played was Deus Ex: Human Revolution. It had almost zero bugs, and did not require a patch to fix anything. There were no graphical or AI bugs and it pretty much was perfect out of the box. I havent played a truly polished game before that in years. All game companies now treat patches as if they can extend dev time after release. That is not how it should work. I dont even have to list the amount of games that had issues out of the box and required a patch (you know what they all are). Why am i waiting for DICE 2 months after the release of BF3 to fix mic issues, and graphical hiccups? Why does Skyrim run like ass on my ps3 after months? Why does Red Dead Redemption have a sh!tload of bugs on releas that lasted for more than a month? Last gen we never had these issues. All games worked 99% perfectly out of the box because devs knew that they couldnt just patch those issues. As a result of the ability to patch games, devs are not pyaing attention to polish. What do you think?
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