1. Theres always a (mostly female) childhood friend, whom you know for a long time, and often enough theres kind of a clumsy love story between the main char and this friend.
2. No RPG without Pirates or a ghosthip / ship level / bandits.
3. Theres always a "big brother" or best friend, who always was better in everything, and the main char looks up to him.
4. Theres always a char under age 15.
5. Theres always a big, strongand kindhearted char in the party.
6. Final boss fightsalways have several stages, where the boss grows more powerful.
7. Status abnormalities wont work against much foes, but your party is always affected.
8. There's always a secret dungeon that beholds the most powerful monsters and treasure.
9. It does'nt matter how advanced the world is, even in a world with spaceships there's never any sign of infrastructure like streets and the sorrounding fields are always full of monsters.
10. You always have to fight a specific monsters a thousand times to receive a rare drop from it.
There are much more things, but that should be enough.
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