I read the article and didn't find that much offensive about it, however there were inaccuracies in a few instances. His last paragraph was pretty ignorant and bordered on being offensive:
"Not that the Bungies care. They don't need to legitimize Halo by associating it with other, more respectable media. They sell enough units and make enough money. They're happy in their invisible geek ghetto. But that's the logic of the marketplace: it can't leave subcultures alone; it has to turn them into cultures. It may be time for the Master Chief to come in from the cold and join the party, with the popular kids. Just don't expect him to take off his helmet."
When he refers to the popular kids (mainstream media), he's saying it's time for gaming to finally join them instead of remaining a "subculture."
Asfor this line:
"THE CLICHÉ ABOUT GAMERS IS THAT THEY'RE antisocial, if not sociopathic, but Bungie is very much a community."
Is that not true? He's not saying they are, he's just pointing out that is has become one, but then counters the statement with the fact that Bungie is not antisocialbut is in fact the opposite. Nothing offensive there. Please people, quote the entire sentence before you criticize.
But yes, I'll concede he was a bit harsh at the end.
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