My top 10 disappointments from this gen would be like this:
1. Expensive hardwareHulabaloza
I'll give you this one for the Ps3, but for the other two they really aren't any more expensive than is normal for a relatively new console.
2. $10 more expensive gamesHulabaloza
Except you forgot that they are still $20+ cheaper than they were 18+ years ago...
3. Paying for horse armor and picture pack add onsHulabaloza
You dont have to pay for these you know, noones forcing you. And on the whole, DLC has been very successful, and very usefull.
4. Sony's crappy 1st party/exclusive games, when they used to be one of the best (Lair, Haze, etc)Hulabaloza
Yeah you can have that one.
5. Gaming studios closing on an almost daily basis cause of the economyHulabaloza
Again, take something that isnt new and blame it on the current landscape, go you. Game Dev studios have ALWAYS been very volatile, opening and closing faster than you could blink. It's not specific to this generation, if anything the industry is a lot more stable than it used to be.
6. Wii-hash ports - how most of the Wii's games are basically last gen portsHulabaloza
This is possibly the only legitimate complaint on this list, and it should be much higher up given it's potential to ruin the console and cause an industry crash. (Shovelware, for both Wii and DS)
7. Still no price cut? WTF MicrosoftHulabaloza
Umm.. I dont know where you live, but where I am I can count 2 seperate price cuts as well as the addition of the cheaper Arcade 360.
8, Mirror image consoles....why own both a PS3 and 360? 90% of their games are shared.Hulabaloza
Again, this is something that mostly only applies to the PS3. The 360 has plenty of exclusive games, most of which are good.
9, Still no online play or cohesive service? WTF Sony and NintendoHulabaloza
Both have workable online play, and its FREE, deal with it.
10. HD-DVD/BD-DVD bloat - This war should have stayed out of gaming. I hate these formats and hope they both die. Hulabaloza
Since when was it anything to do with gaming? Regardless of what happened to the format war Sony would have continued to use BD for their PS3, and MS would have continued to use DvD's. I dont understand how you think this has anything to do with the games industry, beyond sonys propaganda that is.
Other consoles have used non standard media formats and it didnt mean squat, the Dreamcast and PSP for example (GD Rom and UMD)
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