With E3 just around the corner I have some expectations about what will be shown, but this list is about the games I'd love to see however unlikely it may be - but hey, a guy can dream!
10. The last Guardian
Although theories and speculation are rife about this game since it's inception in 2007 I actually am expecting to see something on this game, the original was a truly brilliant game and I hope Sony avoids butchering this classic, which I assume is why the development cycle has been so long, although this isn't always a good thing (i'm looking at you duke!) if executed well and with exclusivity to the PS4 this could really bolster hardware sales also.
9. Max Payne 4
This is a franchise i'd love to see get another addition to the brilliant trilogy, the stories are expertly crafted and delivered, the action is fast paced, gripping and who can forget how bad ass bullet time was! I'd love to join the pill popping gunslinger in another adventure, although we're unlikely to hear an announced anytime soon.
8. Half Life 3
Now I know what your thinking, this should have been higher on my list but while I am a huge fan of the half life games and how they've impacted the world of gaming, I cant help but feel that this game will not live up to the colossal amount of hype surrounding it - nevertheless I'm sure that valve will not allow a beloved franchise like this to be sub par, just give us something Gabe!
7. Shadow of the Colossus 2
I adored this game, it was fun, difficult and compelling, the shear scale of the colossi alone had me in awe the first time playing it, not to mention that superb soundtrack that really rounded off the experience. This was a truly epic game and I would love to see it get the sequel it so rightly deserves.
6. Rainbow 6: Patriots
Coincidentally Rainbow 6 takes the number 6 spot on my list, it seems that showing games early and then delaying them has become somewhat of a staple in their marketing strategies (watchdogs and the division spring to mind), after hearing about this game around two years ago we've had news that they essentially brought it back to the drawing board. This game looked like it was shaping up to be a top class shooter and i'm excited to see what they do with it.
5. No Man's Sky
Since it's trailer and announcement at the VGX awards I have been eager to hear more about Hello games studio's new game, everything about it excites me, it's exploration based on the gorgeous procedurally generated planets, the gameplay, the presentation, soundtrack and discovery mechanics to name a few. this has all the makings of an exceptional game, but alas the studio has had an issue with flooding which has of course pushed back development but I hope it gets somewhat of a showing at E3 as i'm eager to see more.
4. Resident Evil 7
With the two previous iterations being to put it nicely, not the best in the hugely successful series, i'm very interested to see how Capcom will get back on the right track with these games as the change from a survival horror to a pretty generic action game has hurt the franchise quite a bit - but nevertheless Resident evil still has huge amounts of potential and I cant see Capcom making the same mistake for a third time.
3. Mirror's Edge 2
This game is without a doubt one of my favorite games of the previous generation, it provided a real interesting spin on a pretty stale genre, the idea was relatively simple but ingenious, granted the game was a tad clunky and the story wasn't the greatest, but the experience is simply one not too be missed and deserved a lot more notoriety than it got. I feel that now is the ideal time to transform this single proof of concept into one of the great franchises thanks to the next gen platforms, fingers crossed it makes an appearance at E3.
2. Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain
(****WARNING SLIGHT SPOILERS****) First of all let me be clear that I am a HUGE metal gear fan, and have absolutely no doubts that this will be an exceptional game, I do however have a couple of concerns about its direction as apposed to its predecessors, I fear that it will take itself too seriously, I did not like the way ground zeroes story panned out - most notably the way in which they handled the returning character Paz.. I felt it was completely unnecessary, it seemed like Kojima went out of his way to make you feel uncomfortable for the shock value, metal gear has always had a light hearted approach to serious situations, but ditching that in favor of this much, much darker approach is not the way metal gear should be going in my opinion (No more cardboard boxes!?).
My other concern is about Metal gear online, this was without a shadow of a doubt my favorite online game, and after sinking 1500 + hours into it i was extremely upset to see the servers shut down, It was everything I wanted in an online competitive shooter, tight interesting mechanics, quality game modes, features such as becoming an instructor, RPG elements, in game currency to change the aesthetics of your character and a brilliant scaling level and emblem system; not to mention the fun I had competing with my clan in survival and the bi - weekly tournament for unique rewards; bearing all this in mind i have very high expectations of MGO 2 and am a little less optimistic after hearing development had been handed to a western developer, now on the contrary this may in fact end up improving on the concept, all I hope is that it is just that - an improvement on the original concept and not a complete change. Needless to say I will be keeping a close eye on MGS V, and im sure Konami will not disappoint!
1. Fallout 4
Not really a surprise I know but I am so excited to hear any news on this game, or at least an official conformation that it exists, it's killing me! this has to be the most anticipated game of this year and with good reason, plus after the Elder scrolls online release which in my opinion was pretty disappointing, us hardcore fans need another top notch iteration to satiate our appetites, Fingers crossed we will see something at E3!.
If your interested in what i'd like to see in Fallout 4 check out my wishlist right here and also comment on what you would like to see in a new fallout game
My Fallout 4 Wishlist!
There you have it, the top 10 games i'd really love to see at E3 2014; but i'm interested to know, what are the games you would like to see at E3? or even to see have a sequel? leave your answers in the comment section & Thanks for reading!
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