Name the top ten game/series you wish would just vanish because it/they annoys you SOOO much. Which would it/they be and why?
10. Final Fantasy. (Well except 7 and 10.)
9. Sonic. (Ever since he went 3D hes gotten unfun)
8. Sims. (Fun at first.... who the heck wants anymore then the first game?)
7. Ratchet and Clank. (Why.....WHY!!! Its just not intersting)
6. Dead or Alive. (YAWN...who wants tough and real controls? I thought games were played to be fun?)
5. Ninja Gaiden (I can't stand that game. Yet oddly enough I like Tenchu better)
4. Smash Bros. (I just find that game boring)
3. Manhunt. (Pointless)
2. ANY sports game. (No comment)
1. Pokemon!!!!!! (I always liked the concept but its so darn annoying and overly done for kids now I wish it would vanish like it never existed in the first place!)
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