1 goldeneye007- this game has the longest story mode or mission mode besides perfect dark this was the first multiplayer 3d fps on consoles, no pc game can match it quality even today
2 super mario bros/duckhunt-can you name a better platformer, the fact that it also came with a light gun game it was awsomer for its time,
3 timesplitter series-ps2 xbox gc-this is not to different from goldeneye it does have more things to do , then goldeneye it plays a little better then goldeneye depending on version 3 was the 2nd best in series, it had better graphics then 1/2 but it took out 1 game mode to sacrifice it,
other then that it is still an awsome entry the 2nd one is the best in series, for many reasons , 1 it wasnt ps2 exclusive 2 it offered every mode found in 3 plus the one they took out, and this is a true inspiration to goldeneye because the first level is actually a dam , , though you dont run and jump off of it, it is so similar, in many ways ,
4 mariokart series, -it is number 4 because its the only good karting game available, sure theres crash nitro , and diddy kong racing-which i liked but theres only 1 entry in that series, lol, the remake doesnt count , this mariokart game any how has multiple modes, when released on snes, it was the only go kart game that was really fun , 2 player was a blast though it may make youi mad to watch demos you l see 8 players playng, but you cant actually do that, in fact that feature wouldnt make its debut til mario kart double dash via lan play or mariokart ds lol
but other then that , this game is one of the best snes/n64/gc/gba and wii/ds titles todate
5 , is a 3 way dance
perfect dark-this game is so much like goldeneye it improved it actually and was deamed to be a unofficail successor to it,
halo combat evolved -the only good halo period, as 2 and 3 were just dressed up versions of each other lol,this was the only revolutionary entry to the series, because it included cars tanks and hovers for use and is the only halo i liked , halo 2 may have had online but its so stupid because 1 i actually never go to play it , because 1 credit card is required to play it
and 3 i wasnt impressed by the trash talking in 3
so 1 does it for me
and finally duke nukem 64- possibly the best duke nukem to day i havent played a n other duke nukem thats like it, total meltdown is the same so is 3d but 64 had added 4 player locally support , the xbla is a stright port of 3d so no and its multiplayer is like on turbo mode lol, not fun at all when the guys run at the speed of light , the original does not run at the speed of light im sorry but 3d realms actually made that mistake, lol,
the aiming also is lacky in the 360 version which is why the 64 version is the best one to get , for consoles, i know because ive played every version i own every console version lol, and 64 is the only one to have perfect controls, easy to play and pick up its also got the best multiplayer of them all ,
because 1 they do not i repeat do not run at the speed of light, why they do this in the 360 version i have no clue, but its really hard on your eyes to play online with this happening , the guy be in your face one minute gone the next, also theres to many for the small levels , lol, stadim is the best example especally since you cant not go in side it,
playing with 16 people is to much for that small level but thats all i see them play lol,
2 the n64 version has 4 players only and in my opinion 4-8 should have been the limit because they had so many small levels, you couldnt move with 16 players blasting you out lol, 3 if you didn have friends you can play with bots ,, up to 3 bots ,
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