Top Ten games of all time:
This is my first post at Gamespot so sorry if it sucks!
This will be one of the toughest lists for me but I think it is for every gamer. I decided these games based on three factors: Impact on me when I first played them, replay value for me personally, and lasting impression over the years. Feel free to post your list with as many or few titles as you would like I love to hear about other players reasoning behind their favorite titles.
1. Resident Evil Remake- GameCube (2002)
I could not have been more excited for this game when it came out I sold my PS2 all of the games I had for it and had enough for a GameCube and Resident Evil. I did not have enough for the memory card, luckily my mom helped with that part. This game blew me away and for months was the only game I had on my GameCube but it didn't matter. I beat it every way you could in every mode possible. I found all the costumes and helped everyone I could survive and then escaped with just my character.
I loved Resident Evil 2 which was the first Resident Evil title I played and I did go back and play the first one but I didn't like it as much, but when the Remake came out it became my new favorite and the Capcom didn't just upgrade the graphics they upgraded everything. From the weapons, enemies, new locations, cinematics, story elements, defense items, and secrets there was so much to love about the game. The setting was perfect for the series and hasn't been recreated in any of the sequels that have followed so far. I really loved the new Lisa Trevor story line I think it really expanded on the lore of not only the viruses Umbrella used but also of the mansion itself in regards to the Trevor family. This is one game I can go back and play at anytime and always enjoy myself which is one of the many reasons it's number one on this list.
2. Advent Rising- Xbox (2005)
I didn't even get this game when it launched probably because I hadn't heard about it I don't even remember when I first picked it up or why, I think I might have rented it. Advent Rising has one of the coolest stories in any video game. In one day humanity finds out it's not alone in the universe by meeting some friendly aliens and then in the same day meet a race that wants to kill or capture them all. After most of humanity is destroyed we find out that the reason that everyone was so interested in humans is that they can develop special powers with training. Gideon the main character goes through training and then the real fun begins. The first mission with your powers has you throwing enemies into the emptiness of space with a flick of the thumb stick. Flash forward a few missions and you will be doing a one handed cartwheel while lifting three enemies in the air and unloading with an alien laser weapon. The story got better as it went on and gave you a few important choices to make. The only regret is it ended on a cliff hanger and really needed a sequel.
3. Mass Effect- Xbox 360 (2007)
Mass Effect had me dying to get to Gamestop to pick it up and it did not disappointed. I loved Kotor and was even more excited for Mass Effect. The story was amazing and I love RPGs so I was astounded at the amount of options there were in customization of your character and squad. The relationships you could create in Mass Effect were one of a kind and you could take to levels that were impossible before and I don’t mean sex. Your squad mates had more than just a paragraph backstory found on an info tab, they had feelings about everything that was happening on any given mission and in the world they lived in. You grew to care for each one and understand their different viewpoints. The overall story was amazing and the gameplay while not fluid or special to look at worked well.
4. Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic- Xbox (2003)
If you notice one thing about my list it’s probably that a games story is the most important thing to me. Which is why it should be no surprise KOTOR is on this list. I love Star Wars and when I found out they were making a game where you could be a Jedi or a Sith I was ecstatic. I loved the story of this game and the characters in it were great! It also had one of the most surprising twists ever. The combat was old school RPG but it worked well and it was really fun to use force powers on enemies.
5. Horizon Zero Dawn- PS4 (2017)
The newest game on my list by a margin of 10 years! I didn’t get it at release and only really got it because Target had a buy 2 get 1 free going on so I picked it up. I had no idea it would become one of my favorite games of all time! This game has some of the most complex and unique combat around. You had to think about how to tackle an enemy or a group of enemies if they were together. The weapons were great but the story was even better. At first I thought it was interesting but then as I got further and further into it I got addicted and the payoff at the end is great and I truly loved Alloy’s journey.
6. Indigo Prophecy- Xbox (2005)
This is the first game I felt like you could do anything in it. The opening restaurant bathroom scene is one of the best openings in any game. You wake up over a dead body that you clearly stabbed to death and have no idea what happened. Do you clean it up or run out of the bathroom with blood all over your hands? This game was the first game that forced you to decide quickly, when dialog would pop up for responses you would have a limited amount of time to respond. The Story gets better and weirder as you go on but it is really fun and has multiple endings. The combat is mostly quicktime events but the action around them is so frantic that it really gets you pumped up when you play it. I loved it for the story and would have loved to get a sequel.
7. Dead Space- Xbox 360 (2008)
One of the best horror games of all time the story is amazing and you can tell the game developers put a lot of work into this game from the graphics to the sound design. You arrive just ot fix a damage ship when you get there the whole crew is dead and they have transformed into horrible disgusting looking creatures. The creatures were incredible but the universe they built and characters in it were fantastic. The combat was smooth and the abilities with the suits were really fun, the creatures were varied enough that it never got boring. I do hate when the player’s character doesn’t talk but it made sense in this game as you are mostly alone.
8. Fire Emblem Radiant Dawn – Wii (2007)
One of the best sequels of all time in my opinion. I love Fire Emblem games but this is the only direct sequel making this one very special. The story was also interesting they could have just when with Ike and the Gail Mercenaries but instead they show a war from all sides as you play as each faction in a war that has engulfed the entire region. With new abilities and even more characters it became a huge interwoven story that was even more impressive than the amazing Path of Radiance.
9. Hybrid Heaven- Nintendo 64 (1999)
It’s hard to explain this game but I’ll do my best if you found out aliens were living underground and were making copies of people to take over the world starting with secret service then trying to replicate the president what would you do? Get guns and weapons to fight them? Nuke their underground facility? Wrestle them into submission? If you answered wrestle them into submission than this is the game for you. There is truly no other game like this one. You step into an area a creature jumps out and you can box, kick, or wrestle it to death. You level up each body part and move as you go making this an RPG which really drew me in. The story is ridiculous but really fun.
10. Parasite Eve PS1 (1998)
Speaking of crazy stories this may be the craziest! You arrive at an opera and everyone starts spontaneously exploding into flames as an actress sings on stage. As the only cop alive after you charge in trying to stop the actress. What comes from that you’ll have to play to find out but it deals with mitochondria, an eye transplant, and people turning into mutant creatures that look like nothing you’ve seen before. The game play is a free moving RPG type game where you have to wait for weapons to charge while you dodge enemy attacks there are hundreds of weapons and outfits to wear with different abilities. There is also a new game plus and a secret tower to complete it has great replay value.
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