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Devil May Cry 3 on DMD unless if you really played it like 1500 times and mastered everything like I did . . . BEST GAME EVARRR!!!
I'm sure I've beaten tougher than this list, but off the top of my head:
5. Doom 3 on Nightmare.
4. Metal Gear Solid on Extreme.
3. Far Cry on ummm... whatever the hardest difficulty was called.
2. Resident Evil 5 on Professional.
1. Ninja Gaiden Black or Sigma on Master Ninja.
I beat both Demon's Souls and Dark Souls, and while the games are punishing their difficulty is over exaggerated. The games are very fair. If you die it's your fault. Be patient and the games aren't really that bad at all.
Doom 3 gets easier as it goes along. In the early stages there are enemies with shotguns that can one shot regardless of distance. Later on you fight demons and can just get out of the way of their projectiles.
MGS, as a series, gets easier with each new game because you gain abilities and tricks to avoid detection and fight bosses. The first one is limited, so on the harder difficulties it's a pain.
Also want to reiterate, RE5 on Professional with an AI partner. Not too bad with an actual person.
yeah its was the first and only halo campaign ive ever played so i did not have experience on my was much harder for me than like any of the gears of war or CoD campaignsSummonAnimaIll agree with that...while HalO isnt a hard game its much harder than Call of Duty and Gears...not including WaW...that game was just cheap
No idea. Maybe Final Fantasy VII or IX or XII. I don't play hard games, because I don't have the time to replay one level over and over and over again.
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