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Well bwtter than Two Worlds one would be a good start.
Oblivion is an what five or six year old game... for its time it was quite enjoyable and still worth a romp.
Personally Oblivion is one of the greatest games I've played and it would take a lot in a western rpg to top it. Not even their other works, like Fallout, aren't as good as it to me. Two Worlds was supposed to be the Oblivion killer, and while it did have good looking scenery and fun gameplay, it wasn't up to the standard Oblivion set. Really looking forward to Two Worlds 2 and hope they've improved it.
The first ' Two-World's ' was always a poor-mans Oblivion(and vastly inferior), and considering that this sequel is really an expansion that became a fully-fledged game on it's own, my hopes aren't high.
The first ' Two-World's ' was always a poor-mans Oblivion(and vastly inferior), and considering that this sequel is really an expansion that became a fully-fledged game on it's own, my hopes aren't high.
you should see the one or two reviews its gotten it looks like this is actually going to be a great game
Not even remotely. The single player campaign is a poor mans free roam, the MP is not fleshed out, and is generally a chore with the console port controls on PC.
There are 4 tasks asigned to space for example, the game supports max 1xAA and has bloom problems that hurt the eyes. It was probably fixed by now but do some research.
[spoiler] Village editor available in MP is boring too, and it seems that the MP is not really alive. [/spoiler]
A friend of mine was really frustrated with the game , the game is available in Europe for some time , patches are being made , but the balance for magic users is still a problem.
Modding is limited to SP only so whatever your preferences, the European customers where test rats.
Still a interesting singleplayer campaign, with lots of sidequests, that are less quests and more tasks.
The one review I have seen is a 45. Not too good![QUOTE="icyseanfitz"]>you should see the one or two reviews its gotten it looks like this is actually going to be a great game
On metacritic there are 11 reviews, 7 above 75. 4 under 75. it has a metascore of 78 atm (my personal goty 2010 had the same metascore so I am not worried).
GamingXP gave it a 91 while Absolute games gave it a 58, the scores it has recieved are very varied.
On metacritic there are 11 reviews, 7 above 75. 4 under 75. it has a metascore of 78 atm (my personal goty 2010 had the same metascore so I am not worried).No wonder there are more---most of those are foreign sites/pubs and I don't track those that I cannot vet.GamingXP gave it a 91 while Absolute games gave it a 58, the scores it has recieved are very varied.
Are we talking about the same Two Worlds series here?
'Cause the one I played was poop in golden wrapping.
Critically? No way. For many gamers based on personal preference? Most definitely. Regardless, I know I am looking forward to it. Whether I enjoy it more than I did Oblivion or not remains to be seen, but is irrelevant to me as long as I simply enjoy the game for what it is. Which I am certain I will.
i think this game is going to get a lot of crap for being the sequel to two worlds, it really has me interested though as a lot of the people who have played it seem to think its great
Having recieved the game today, I can say it is quite fun. However at the same time I can already see that this game will not outscore oblivion. In my opinion Two Worlds 2>Oblivion (Oblivion wasnt that good anyway). However Two Worlds 2 will at the same time have get a lower Gamespot Score, Metacritic Score and lower sales.
Thanks for the post, do you know specifically if the combat system and overall graphics have improved at all since the original? Im just really trying to decide if this is an RPG worth my time, becasue, for me at leas, Oblivion was that kind of game.LTchis
I never played the original so I cant answer properly, so far I tried the multiplayer section, but since I couldnt find a group I played the first mission solo, it was kind of fun. However the guys at IGN did and they said the combat is much better "The game is already praised for its dynamic combat, superb special skills". I have heard nothing but positive stuff on the spellcasting system where you combine spells and cards. GraphicsGameplay.
My experience was like this. First fight: I just used my main attacks, however soon I started using special skills 3 of them (didnt realize I had another 3 at that time). However after stumbling upon a graveyard, I found myself in big trouble and by sheer accident I discovered 3 other skills that I could access if I was blocking. Here I discovered a kick and a whirlwind attack. I proceded with destroying the enemy. Later on I found a cave guarded by spiders, these guys took out half of my life bar on a single hit, but with manouvering their slow attacks I defeated them but at one part there was a problem, since sprint and block is bound to the same key (right mouse), I blocked instead of sprinting and one of the spiders got a tasty snack. My favorite skills were the whirlwind attack, the kick and the axe skill that allowed me to grab the enemies' shield.
In other words, the combat is good, but the I did not like how sprint and block is bound to the same key. I am also not happy with the consolized UI. Other than that I have no complaints.
Edit: Here is a gameplay video showing the magic system in action
With just 2 weeks away from the release of Two Worlds II does anyone think that it will be what Oblivion was in 2006? I am a huge RPG fan and just want to know if it is going to be worth my time, because I honestly couldnt stay focused long enough on the last Two Worlds to care. what do ya'll think???? any chance this game tops Oblivion?LTchisReally? Going to ask such a subjective question? You know how people are.They're just going to spew their biased opinion in one way or another.
I completely agree xD Oblivion remains to be my favorite console RPG. No RPG i've played has even come close to matching it.Personally Oblivion is one of the greatest games I've played and it would take a lot in a western rpg to top it. Not even their other works, like Fallout, aren't as good as it to me. Two Worlds was supposed to be the Oblivion killer, and while it did have good looking scenery and fun gameplay, it wasn't up to the standard Oblivion set. Really looking forward to Two Worlds 2 and hope they've improved it.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA nothing is better than Oblivion.
My opinion is completely different. Most games are better than that mess that was Oblivion.
Who even cares if Two Worlds II is going to surpass Oblivion?
Compare Two Worlds II with TES: Skyrim instead.
I don't know what's up with the Oblivion hate from some of these posters, I think it is an amazing game, and was damn impressive when it came out. It would be great if Two Worlds turns out to be as good as Oblicion was back then, because I'd love a new RPG of that type to play with. If it turns out to be great, and doesn't feel like a half baked title, graphically or role playing wise, I'll buy it.
Honestly I liked the first Two Worlds as much as or maybe a little more than Oblivion. I got past the crappy beginning 20 mins and actually really enjoyed it. So I am looking forward to how this one turns out, even it gets decent ratings I'm sure it will be pretty cool.
I agree with the above poster...Oblivion was awesome for its time, but I do admit it is dated thought still a fun romp! Im praying for Two Worlds II to be fun, because though I love Dragon Age and am looking forward to the sequel, I need something to hold me over till Skyrim comes out. Plus, I am just flat out intrigued by the possiblities of small level Co-op for RPG's like two worlds, maybe if they get the science down we could see something like this in Skyrim. I use to play MMO's with my brother, but this would be infinitely more fun for him and I not to mention cheaper for us. Anyways here's to hoping Two Worlds turns out to be a good game worth playing till Skyrim!LTchis
Oblvion got a lot of hate because many do not consider it lived up to the standards set by the hype and the prequels. Just like any other game though, some people hate it just for the sake of hating it (jumping on bandwagons, hating stuff for being popular).
Since you mention the co op campaign, I can tell you I have managed to solo half of it, however I also noticed enemies seem to be somewhat harder to kill when there are more players, I was in a 3 man group before and we all ended up getting killed by a single monster, I got 1 shotted due to my minimal hp build (for a challange). The European servers are still somewhat populated with an estimate of 140 people online in towns at any single time, I dont know how many are online outside of non player owned towns.
The first Two Worlds was pretty awful on almost all counts though I strangely enjoyed it. I am hoping the sequel is as improved as the developers claim. I never liked Oblivion so....
hmm...interesting. so did you have a hard time coordinating with the other players? That seems to be a major reason why co-op can sometimes be difficult; when the interface just isnt conducive to player interaction. And I see what you mean about Oblivion and the hype...Morrowind was very fun and had a large scope, at least, it felt larger than oblivions.LTchis
Communication is a simple affair of just pressing enter and then typing, however you cant mark on the map. Most people I see speak german in towns, while in Missions they speak english however.
The increased difficulty, was caused by monsters appearantly getting stronger the more players there are just like in Diablo. During that wipe, I reached a lagspike, and the 2 warriors got surrounded and badly outnumbered, though it was one tough enemy finishing them both off, the same one who enjoyed a delicious laggy mage snack moments before.
The one review I have seen is a 45. Not too good! I like at the bottom where its say's this review is based on 7-8hrs of gameplay, Two Worlds 2 is so big you'll be playing it for over 80hrs[QUOTE="icyseanfitz"]>you should see the one or two reviews its gotten it looks like this is actually going to be a great game
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