I, personally was dissapointed by the UFC demo released today. Maybe it's just because it's a demo, but the "superb" commentary and "realistic" fighting were not there. Shogun took 10 overhand punches before going down, and the ref stood up my fighter after 20 seconds. Did you get the same lacking experience as me, or did you have the realistic experience that I was hoping for when I picked up teh demo?
With all due respect, you really are completely incorrect about the quality and realism of the game. I've put in around 6 hours on the demo and it is ridiculously deep and contains a complex and nuanced ground game along with a very solid striking mechanic that is the MMA equivalent of the Fight Night series.
The effectiveness of punches and kicks in the game depends on several variables, including position and distance. Strikes actually get jammed up and even glance off opponents and the collision detection is easily some of the best I've ever seen. Flash KO's are not only possible but probable when counter-attacking and the gameplay rewards a strategic, methodical approach versus button mashing while the ground game/grapple system, which includes rubber guards, differentstanding clinches, andvarious transitional movements to achieve superior positioning,will literally take most gamers weeks if not months to master.
It seems like you played the game on the easiest difficulty and mashed a few buttons, then decided that was all the game had to offer, which simply isn't true. I only play the game on harder difficulty settings and the CPS is ruthless. I've had some of the most incredible-looking fights you can imagine, including subtle trapping, and grappling tussles and lengthy, well-earned KO's.
After playing the demo, I'd venture to say it's one of the most impressive sports/fighters I've played and it'sinfinitely superior to the older UFC/Pride games. My advice would be to spend some time in the tutorial section and learn the nuances of the demo before writing this one off.
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