So I will be talking about a few underrated legacy games, in this issue, for the PSX/Ps1/Playstation/PSone I will be showing you games that you may (and will) like to play (or else) once you see some gameplay and information so first on the list is:
T.R.A.G.: Tactical Rescue Assault Group
Sunsoft games presents (or Midway in japan) a game of a unique **** A tactical, Strategy Third Person shooter that involves different ways to approach combat, finding clues, and being stealthy. You are agents of a Law Enforcement Agency called T.R.A.G. and the Main character is that pikey haired Anime guy. Although in this case Spikey haired anime guy actually looks like an adult (GASP) as you, and the girl (P2 optional) find out what a certain disturbance is inside this tower, which apparently is being manipulated by a sort of evil assasin who hides in the shadows attacking all who enter. But the story gets better and more complex, but I will leave that there for now.
This game is pretty inteesting and I would reccomend it at someone who would like an involved Third-Person shooter or shooter in general as you need to be on your feet! OF COURSE, the major flaw would be the controls, but once you get used to them you can do all sorts of neat techniques.
Some shots:
Assault Retribution:
Midway games presents (or Midway in Japan) ASSAULT RETRIBUTION which, even though the gameseneded up being bd and not as popular as earlier, was highly overshadowed and blocked by the Contra Hype.
While the games are similar ASSAULT RETRIBUTION is better than EVERY CONTRA GAME that came out after its release including the 3D ones. It has a variety of modes and ways to attack, it has excellent stages desing hich actually is not as linear, and provides a challenge.
Some shots:
One Man, One Soulution, One State of Mind.
A game whre I wonder why T2 decided to focus more on GTA when this game was a amazing adventure. A sequel should have been made for this hard to find action game. It is a very fun and challenging games (with some slight bugs) that also combines the adventure and platform elements flawlesly with above average graphics, a well animated aresenal of weapons, and a unique story.
Some shots:
The Sentient:
If you liked Kings Field, Some of the more story driven Jrpgs, or Wrpgs, or just adventure games, r strategy games, then for your sake you must get this Adventure Wrpg a shot!!!! It's in First Person
Piloting the ship to the space station (I think it was called ICARUS if I remember correctly got to go back to that game after finishing Resident Evil.) you end up being attacked and you awaken on in the cargo bay. As you can either save the guy and run in or wait till the flare kill the guy and makes you pass out, a very interesting and branching story unfolds as you find out about the SENTIENT. Beings in the sun. And do to problems the space station starts heading toward the sun.
You soon will go on a quest to save or destroy the space station and its people, find out who the SENTIENT are and help/join/stop/retreat from them. You can do many things like leave everyone on board to die, stop the President (of the colony space station) from escaping, many different ways to play the game with many different endings. As one ending spoiler, there's a point where you find out you are a creation (not the real ending) and that you must fly into the sun and kill yourself to get the ship to escape the sun and get back into normal orbit.
Theirs tons of ways to play the game with 5 floors filled with dozens of different areas, rooms, labs, and the like. as you find out what is the cause and what is your purpose. Originally you start with an ID identifying you as Dr. Sherova. send to cure a threat that is slowly killing people on the ship but things get interesting and change. Things can branch in 5 different directions at the start when you first wake up after the caro bay and they find out who you are (or what your ID says). Oh yes there is a time limit, it goes faster, or slower depending on what you do and what gets damaged or who you attack or who the police arrest or how long you do nothing but walk arond in cricles. Which actually has 2 enedings as well just for that. All FMV are well animated and are like sitting through a block buster movie.
Plenty of Npcs, you can do A LOT a freaking things. Talk to them, do expressions, greet them, be a jackass, get them to hate you, try to flirt with people, steal items from them, try to convince them, trick them, everybody does different things and many characters change how the gameplays depending. Even at the start of the game. The sentient is a large and highly varied Adventure Wrpg you will NOT want to miss if you have any sanity.
Some shots:
Well that's it for now, tunein for the N64issue later. Give these games a try!
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