wait so there is no difference b/w Switch vs WiiU as far as B2 is concerned?
I had a custom controller for my WiiU because I disliked the U Pad, so couldn't tell you the possible differences, the upcoming Switch version is a port, that's all we know. I wouldn't expect much alteration. Once it's released or at least shown running on Nintendo Switch more information can be gathered.
but with these games controllers are key, and I prefer the larger xbox for pc controller type for these games, as opposed to the small playstation dual shock controller
I'll be using a Switch Pro controller regardless, personally think it's the best first party controller on the market. I'm also one for good controls and Nintendo delivered. With that, as someone who has used the 360/X1/DS4 I don't think the Dualshock 4 is small, you've likely just found a preference with the Xbox 360/X1 controller like I have with the S:Pro.
i am assuming the switch is more advanced and probably has less frame rate drops than the WiiU...
Can only provide details given by Platinum Games and Nintendo. The Switch version was only announced late 2017, with no further information. The WiiUs version held a pretty stable framerate so not really worried about the port.
so many unanswered questions just so I can play 1 game
Nothing wrong with researching and asking about games, that's kinda the point in Games Discussion Forum. I get that you're sole gaming platform is P.C. so your questions are not out the ordinary.
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