I think this certain topic within Video gaming and media as a whole has been a very debateable one ever since the dawn of violence within video games in the 80's. Evolutioned from hundreds of red square pixels spraying everywhere at the pull of a trigger, right down to the realistic depiction of someone being gutted with a chainsaw, orgetting his head smashed into dust with a baseball bat.
We can all understand that sadist violence like this can cause abit of an uproar, especially if its sole purpose is pure entertainment. However, is it really harmful to the people who play these games. Who is to blame? Is it the game developers, is it the parents, is it the lack of strictness within buissnesses in selling these games to the young and naive, or is it the press?
Many games have being under the spotlight with such controversy; including theGrand theft auto series, Doom (especially after the school murders that happened awile back), and, ofcorse not to forget, perhaps one of the most notorious games to have being criticised for its "influential" content, Manhunt.
Im writing as book on the effects of media violence on society, so it would be a huge help if you could contribute and let me know exactly what you think, with absolute honesty. You can even refer to other types of media text (violence in T.V and film, the 'Video Nasty' era etc.)
Looking forward to hear what you think
Thank you :)
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