I am just gonna give it to you straight - Games ARE a form of art. Phew! I just wanted to get that one off of my chest beforeI begin to defend my view...
Anyway, let us think about the true definition of art in general. Art is a form of expression and/or depiction. anything that depicts a something or expresses some sort of message is an artisic work. period. there are absolutely NO restrictions or limitions to these given parameters. none...
Now, let us go over theother various forms of art and their mediums. Paintings, drawings, sculpture, graphic design, engineering, architecture, mosaics, coligriphy, literature, story telling, pottery, stop motion, motion pictures, silk screening, music, and many other works that I cannot recall off the top of my head are all considered as, and constitute artistic works. so as you can see, all of these things (in which some are radically different from others) are essentially art...
Now, if all these forms of creative works (like motion pictures) are art, then what exactly prevents video games from being art as well?? I mean, video games have all the elements and principles of art. even the first video games held art fundamentals. fundamentals like texture, shape, arrangement, form, tints, shades, line, tone, immitationalism, emotionalism, and color. And with the progression of time, video games have become even more artistic due to the advent of newer and more innovative technologies. I am not just talking the graphical aspect of games, though they make up most of the artistic elements. I am talking about the aspect of a video that most do not consider as art - physics and camera dynamics. they are ever-present in another form of art - motion pictures. Sorry Roger Ebert, but if video games do not do qualify as art, then neither do movies - both have too much in common for one to be art and the other to not be. both video game and movies have, storylines, plots, characters, roles, protagonists, antagonists, flow of events, an exposition, a rising action, a climactic turning point, a resolution, cinematography, choreography, camera dynamics, emotion, locations, sound, visual effects, animation, framerate, all the artistic elements I listed before... need I go on?? They say that a motion picture is the most collaborative form of art in all known existence because it has so many artistic elements. What about games?? they contain all the pre-existing elements of film, plus more. games have true user interactivity - something that films cannot and will never achieve. Listen, I love film and enjoy watching it, but like I said before, movies and games share many of the same elements and therefore are both art...
Lastly, I like to give credit to an aspect of video games that no one sees - the actual code that makes it all happen. I mean, have you ever actually seen a video game or part of it in code form?? Its amazing. Maybe Im the only one who sees it, but only a computer programmer could regard the code as such. Coming from a programmer's standpoint, games have so much more potential as art than any other medium. and there are no limits to how many styles can be portrayed through games. also art has never, at any time, needed a deep and profound message for it to be considered art. if you were take a bucket of flat red paint, splash it against a big canvas, and name it "frustration", then you have created a work of art. it really is just as simple as that. done. And just to defend my (opinion) that game code can be art, look at architectural blueprints. they are works of art, and even some of them are considered artistic masterpieces - and this is the drawing, not the actual finished building. so, if blueprints can be called art, then why cant game code be considered the same?? I know its a stretch, but if you yourself are not a programmer then I dont expect you to agree nor understand...
But to sum it all up games are art. they are art because they contain artistic elements and principles. they also share the same aspects as films, which are embraced as art by lots of people, including a delusional Roger Ebert. the whole game is art, and not just some elements of it. looking at just some parts of a game is like picking out little parts of a painting or a film and take away from the overall work...
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