I think it's safe to say now this topic has turned into a mud-slinging war. Everyone's attacking each other's opinions, and saying they're wrong in this aspect, wrong in that, etc. I'm not sure what the definition of art woud be. Are all games art? Or are only good games art? This is just philosophical thinking that will get us nowhere. Philosophers and thinkers die thinking about one thing their entire life. Doesn't mean that art is such a complicated matter just because it took someone forever to understand it.
Let's stop attacking what art's definition is. "Art is anything that people add to their 'output' which is not functionally necessary and is other than the default properties of that output." I can only understand that, because drawing something is not necessary for someone to do. A person draws something if an image came in their head and they wanted to express it. But drawing art is not functionally important to someone's well-being.
Games can be art, no matter whether you like it or not. Games aren't art, if the original idea is lost in the process because of so many people working on the development of the project. Art can be entertaining, there's nothing right in saying, "If a horror movie isn't entertaining me, then I guess it's art."
Frankly, I think throwing stuff on a canvas and hoping to find meaning in thousands of colours is just not art. I don't even know what Jackson Pollock was ever trying to say in his abstract paintings. They tell me jack, and I feel nothing emotionally for them. If colours tell me the kind of mood, then Jackson Pollock must be feeling everything, because his colours are all over the place. Jackson Pollock paintings can't be art, because they don't express the vision from the creator, other than he did it in a rush and hoped desperately that other posh critics and arty-farties would stare it long enough to deem it as art. If he did tell me the real meaning of a painting he did, and I couldn't figure it out before, then yeah, that's art. It would've taken me more time to find out the meaning of his piece, but at least there would be meaning to it. Doesn't matter though, if the meaning makes me feel thoughtful or angry.
So yeah, art's definition of having to express the vision of the creator rings true. It can move someone, but it can't do that effect to everyone because people are individuals and with their own psychology, they can be thinking of different things during art.
It's not that right now most people aren't accepting games as art, is the problem. That's a matter of popularity. I don't see why Deus Ex can't be thought of art right now. It's a biting satire of politics, it has religion, philosophy, and twists their original intentions. That game DOES express its creators' visions. Doesn't matter whether Will Wright came up with the ideas or not, that's an issue of idea ownership. Just because Mass Effect will be released and it will be very popular, doesn't mean it makes the game art, and nothing before it as art. Just because critics and thinkers are not on the side of games right now, doesn't mean jack because they're not willing to spend the time scrutinising games.
Popularity doesn't equal art, so I don't understand why we have to wait for technological advancements for a game to be considered as art. Mass Effect or Bioshock can be extremely artisitic games, and be masters of art, though, since technological limitations and budget are not a problem to them. Budget might be a problem, but if you're willing to stick out in a project for so many years to make the game (Ken Levine, or the Bioware 'doctors'), then that means Microsoft cares that an artistic product is being made and they're willing to wait for the final product. There, I'm done now. I don't expect anyone to agree with me on this specific board, but just like you, I would like more than just 2 people commenting in this board and giving continuous rebuttals.
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