I'm sure many of you out there with your finger on the pulse have come across this already. This is famous cinema critic Roger Ebert's blog, I suppose, and in this particular entry he claims that video games are not an art form, have never been an art form and will not be an art form in any generation we'll live to see. It's laughable elitism and I thought I'd share it because if anyone does have an opinion worth listening to on this issue, it's the gaming community.
As for Mr Ebert, he might be respect as a film critic but he's completely out of his field here. Ebert's argument falls flat on its face the moment he admits that he's never seen a video game that interested him enough to play. With that we know he's making his judgement on second hand information at best. More importantly, though, Mr Ebert isn't trying to discuss this with anyone. He's arguing against someone else's claims but he's really having a conversation with himself. He's made up his mind and nothing will ever change that. You might call this an Epic Fail in the school of debate.
So we turn the question over to you. Are video games art? All of them? Some of them? Are they becoming art but are not yet art?
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