-Legend of Zelda (no the fanmade one doesnt count)
-Gears of War
-God of War(Maybe)
what other ones would you like to see?
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Devil May Cry could make a really good action movie. Capcom has had some success with the Resident Evil movie series, I think Devil May Cry could work as well. There are lots of games I'd like to see as movies though. But Metroid is another that's near the top of my list.
Uncharted ( Being made )
The World Ends With You - Directed and hand drawn by Studio Ghibli and Mizaki :P
Modern Warfare 1 and 2
After seeing the Metroid Other M Live action commercial I would like to see a Metroid movie
Trailer - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GlmMDbXxLw4
I've always wanted them to make a good Mechwarrior movie. I think it would make for a very VERY realistic movie as well. I remember watching the intro to mechwarrior 3 as a kid and thinking how great a movie it would make. Zelda would also be an interesting one.
The World Ends With You - Directed and hand drawn by Studio Ghibli and Mizaki :P
Yeah a live action would probably be horrible...
I wouldn't mind a persona movie
Bioshock, but only if it was made into a really good movie...and not just a mediocre horror flick. If done correctly none video game people could realize just how great some video games are.
Oh and Mass Effect could also be amazing or at the very least a popular popcorn flick i.e Iron Man.
Hmmm i have to go with
Red Dead Redemption (yeah i know a movie might be in the works)
Dead Space
If they were to be true to the games and very inspiring then maybe god of war. They could just go crazy with the effects. Metal Gear Solid maybe. ANd one movie which they are actually talking about making is shadow of the colossus. Its my all time favourite game and if done right could make a terrifically moving and great movie. But they will end up ruining it terribly.
The main problem for me is that video game characters have such iconic voices. Kratos, Snake, Nathan drake. All these guys are known for voices and they would be ruined in movies without proper voices. Also an interesting one would be Alan wake seen as they have scenes in the game done with a real actor and matthew poretta's voice dubbed over it.
first of all uncharted dosnt need a movie...the game pretty much is a movie. plus, it just would be as good as the game. and after seeing the metroid other m live action trailer....i was a really amazing metroid movie.-Halo
-Legend of Zelda (no the fanmade one doesnt count)
-Gears of War
-God of War(Maybe)
what other ones would you like to see?
The Book of Eli can hardly count as an attempt at something remotely like Fallout. A well thought-out Fallout movie would blow flicks like Eli & The Road right out of the water.
I think a God of War movie, if, like people have said, it sticks fervently to the feel of the game, would kick complete ass. My main problem would be casting Kratos. Who out there is bad-ass enough to really portray Kratos?
Being one of my favorite rpgs/stories of all time, I think a Planescape: Torment movie would be awesome too. That's a little far fetched though for sure.
They could make Assassin's Creed...kind of like a medieval take on the Matrix?
Not in any particular order
1) Bioshock
2) GTA
3) Mafia 2
4) Halo
5) Crysis
6) Saboteur
7) Prototype
8 ) F.E.A.R
9) Deus Ex
10) Devil May Cry
11) God of War
12) Fallout 3
13) Metal Gear Solid
14) Half-Life
15) Mass Effect
16) Dead Space
17) Gears of War
18 ) Splinter Cell
19) Stalker
20) Left 4 Dead
Now if all them films came out next year I would be a VERY happy man, as long as they do it properly!
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