My main impression is that it just might be the best yet. *Pulls out EXE Draco*
2 only had one really bad cliche...y'know, that you can't be your own character chosen in the prologue mission. And the campaign crossed with the predominant multiplayer made no sense because of it. I just play it cool by acknowledging I'm the "real" Marcus and everyone else is a DedSec ally...even though they prob think the same way when they play.
It sucks. But Legion is going to fix that, thank God! You can play as anyone you want, customize them, and they'll be individual badasses. This is why I love create-a-character games more than blockbuster lacklusters with the same characters sucking up the spotlight and the shelves. (Assassin's Creed is an exception for me). DedSec is in London somehow, and I'm anticipating blowing the sh*t out of constables. Plus buying a new sports car. I know it sounds like what you can do already, but Ubisoft specified everything they're going to fix.
GOD, I hope there's a side quest where you can hack or prank the royal family. I can't stand them. Though I'm pretty sure Harry in real life would b*tch his dumb mayonnaise head off over how "video games are corrupting the bloody youth, hip hip cheerio..." HE CLEARLY NO SMOKE DAH SPECIAL DEDSEC GANGSTA KUSH. XD
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