It could have been a number of things making it "look bad". The tv they used wasn't set up correctly visually, the settings in the menu under video on the consoles could have been set up wrong, also not all games will look alot better than the previous generation.
The graphics this generation(PS4/Xbox One) isn't as big as "jump" in graphics as the "jump" in graphics from the original Xbox/PS2 to the Xbox360/PS3 or atleast at first may not be as noticeable to some. In some games like Killzone Shadow Fall and Ryse: Son of Rome the graphics look really good to great at times, but in games like Dead Rising 3 the graphics may not look as good even though they are alot better than then the previous Dead Rising games because it has like hundreds if not more zombies on the screen at one time and they are all moving and doing something. That is a something that the PS3/Xbox 360 just can't do, and it takes alot of power to do that so you can't have great looking graphics all the time.
It is true that some people say that graphics aren't everything or don't matter, but they sure do help. With that being said these new games on these new consoles still look great, but not as good as they could because some games have alot of other things in game to process to help make the games more playable and that helps make it more fun.
Games are about having fun, and so far none of these games have disappointed me yet as I am very happy with my PS4 and Xbox One.
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