I'm supporting BlazBlue: Defenders of Kagutsuchi to be on TV. How about the rest of you? What anime based video game that you want to support to be seen on TV?
Asura's Wrath. It was an anime miniseries that tried to masquerade as a video game (or vice versa) and ended up being a weird mix of both. At least if it was a proper anime series, I could sit back and watch it without having to worry about lunging for my controller at any moment.
Tales of Graces. It may happen eventually considering they've made anime series for Tales of Symphonia and Tales of the Abyss. And they made a movie for Tales of Vesperia. But, as far as I know, only the Vesperia movie was dubbed in English and actually brought to the U.S.
Tales of Graces. It may happen eventually considering they've made anime series for Tales of Symphonia and Tales of the Abyss. And they made a movie for Tales of Vesperia. But, as far as I know, only the Vesperia movie was dubbed in English and actually brought to the U.S.
Which I do plan on watching as soon as I can get a hold of a PSN card. That is, if I'm not buying anything else with it...
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