Everyone's list will be different, but here's a list of my pet peeves that video game developers sometimes put in the games I play that almost (and even sometimes) ruins the whole experience:
#5. That annoying cat character (usually a female) in J-RPGs. Ugh, I hate them with a putrid hatred beyond, especially when they freakin` "meyow" whenever they say something!!! :evil:
#4. Crystal-chasing storylines in JRPGs....very dull and boring. With all that development time and a big budget, can't they think of something more interesting than that? :?
#3. Self-destruct scenes where you have to escape before the time runs out. I know, I know, it's a tradition in almost every Metroid game, but NST went overboard when they had one every stinkin` time you beat a boss in Metroid Prime Hunters. Which is funny because the planet isn't even destroyed!!! :roll:
#2. Constant failing health and the need to rejuvenate your energy by finding heal items or you die. Ugh...I hate this concept. I hated it in Prince of Persia the Two Thrones, I didn't like it too much in Metroid Fusion, I loathed it in Scurge: Hive (that Metroid rip-off) and I will definitely hate it in Heavenly Sword.
#1. Not enough checkpoints where you need them and forcing you to start over from the very beginning. This is the worst!!! I'll pick on Prince of Persia Two Thrones again because those developers were either lazy to put in saves and checkpoints OR they have a thing for creating sadistic and torturing gameplay! AND the Prince's health fails when he turns into that demon-sand thingy! Ugh...bad game design, it really killed the experience IMO. They should really take some cues from the Tomb Raider Anniversary team. Crystal Dynamics did a great job in providing gracious checkpoints whenever Lara died. That's the way those type of games should be designed!
Anyway, that's my list. I'm sure there are a lot more but these are the ones that get under my skin the most! 8)
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