Evolve has some amazing AI teammates. They’re active in fighting the monster and using their class abilities. I’ve yet to see one run in place or get stuck.
Back in the day you had games like Secret of Mana that were pretty special for this. But it wasn't perfect. Sometimes a character would get caught on something in the background, which would really suck. Luckily that didn't happen so often.
Team Ico's games come to mind. I don't know if I'd say their super smart, but they're very life-like. Ico, Shadow of the Colossus, and Last Guardian are all really built around the player character interacting with an AI character.
Resident Evil 4 also did a really good job with Ashley. Even though most of the game is an escort mission, you never really run into any of the problems normally associated with that.
Bioshock infinite. Elizabeth was a great companion. I remember when the game came out, everyone was giving it praise just for the AI
GOW, Atreus (Loki) was great. While you had options to get him to do things, even if you didn't but buy stuff on the skill tree he would still help a lot.
Not a companion but still notable AI was the Division 2. The enemy was great (apart from being a bullet sponge) they constantly made me change tactics and flanking was common. The game wasn't my kind of game though.
Back in the day you had games like Secret of Mana that were pretty special for this. But it wasn't perfect. Sometimes a character would get caught on something in the background, which would really suck. Luckily that didn't happen so often.
Team Ico's games come to mind. I don't know if I'd say their super smart, but they're very life-like. Ico, Shadow of the Colossus, and Last Guardian are all really built around the player character interacting with an AI character.
Agreed, I'm thinking about Shadow of colossus and Last Guardian. They are not helpful at all in term of being AI companion but as characters, agro is the best horse ever created in video game. Trico was cool.
Some might disagree but in I found the ai companions in mass effect 2 useful enough!
I set the game on easy, and pretty much just sent my squad out in front of me for like every combat mission. Then I'd just casually stand back and take out the survivors. I barely bothered to utilize my special abilities and barely used a single health potion for the whole game!
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