UPLAY - AC III Liberations HD.
PS 3- Remember Me, Kingdom Hearts HD 1.5 remix, MOH Warfighter
What are you currently playing? :)
Mega Man ZX. I'm liking it waaaaaaaaaaay more than the Zero series, and I didn't think that would happen.
I'm also playing Omega Boost, and it's basically Panzer Dragoon but with mechs fighting in space. :D
As there is very little that I want to play right now, not much. A small bit of TLoU Remastered on PS4. Beyond a bit of that, my PS4, PC, XBO and Wii U are pretty dusty right now.
I thought about spontaneously picking up Diablo 3 tomorrow, but I feel that would be a mistake; a buy out of boredom more than interest is not typically a good idea. Not that I have no interest, just not enough to justify paying $60.
Can't wait for the Sept/Oct/Nov releases to save me from my gaming boredom.
EDIT @ 2:20pm: Just randomly started playing Max: Curse of the Brotherhood on Xbox One. Pretty decent so far.
Xbox One - Call of Duty: Ghosts and Pinball FX2
Xbox 360 - Ultra Street Fighter IV and Diablo III
I can't wait until tomorrow though to pick up a copy of Diablo III: Ultimate Evil Edition for the Xbox One.
skyrim on the 360 with lots of great self-imposed restrictions: no hud, realistic encumbrance, death with consequences, no spamming, no exploits, no trade skills for profit, no looting of corpse armor, no looting of common unlocked containers, must buy food 3x/day, must buy all goods unless found via locked chest or when otherwise deemed appropriate, rent/carriage costs vastly increased, must pay housecarls a wage (+50% when on active missions), no swimming in armor (armor lost), must sell all potions found if not an alchemist with perks (smith upgrades only if perked and must buy filled soul gems from court wizard only to recharge), one potion every 3 seconds with hands empty during combat, no access to horse items unless time allows, 30 arrows per quiver with weight, everything has weight, no reloading unfortunate results, must use "wait" function appropriately for actions, no unrealistic perks, etcetcetcetcetcetc.
next, i'll be doing a Bigwooly-inspired continuous DiD run with the mandatory self-imposed restrictions.
Playing Mass Effect once again, this time as female Shepard, whereas I usually play with the male version.
Going through Puppeteer from PS+. The Presentation is some of the best but platforming and sense of control isn't up there with the Marios, DKs and Raymans.
Dark Souls II. I'm nearing the end, will start NG+ once all DLC has released.
Killzone Mercenary. A pain in the ass at times on Veteran difficulty but there's more good than bad to be found.
WoW (PC)
TLOU remasterd (PS4)
Fifa 14 (PS4)
AC4 (PS4)
Nosgoth (PC)
Risen 3 (PC)
I have a lot of free time atm lol.
Not much... just the odd Forza 5 race or Indie game on PS4. There's nothing out!
I'm going to get Diablo 3 today on PS4, and try that. I've never really played Diablo but I'm desperate.
Not much... just the odd Forza 5 race or Indie game on PS4. There's nothing out!
I'm going to get Diablo 3 today on PS4, and try that. I've never really played Diablo but I'm desperate.
Yeah, dude, this summer drought is getting ridiculous. At least Destiny comes out in a few weeks, so the long boredom period will be over soon!
I'm trying to get through Beyond 2 Souls, Oddworld: Abe's Oddyssee, and Killer 7 before the start of the new semester next week.
@Minishdriveby: Beyond: Two Souls is a great game, IMO. A little wonky with its plot at times (more so than Heavy Rain at times), but if you look at it as a playable character study, it becomes infinitely better.
@Minishdriveby: Beyond: Two Souls is a great game, IMO. A little wonky with its plot at times (more so than Heavy Rain at times), but if you look at it as a playable character study, it becomes infinitely better.
I'm going to have to disagree with you for the time being. I don't think it does many things right. I'll elaborate more once I'm finished with it though. I'll PM you or something when I finish if you want to discuss it with me.
Fallout New Vegas. I want to buy Shovel Knight and Sonic All Stars Racing Transformed soon.
How are you liking Fallout New Vegas so far?
I played through the game at least 10 times.
Nuff said.
Uplay Watch Dogs pc, Crysis 3 pc, Tomb Raider (2013) pc, Witcher 2 pc, Some Guild Wars 2, and still playing Guild Wars the first one after all these years.
and recently stopped with the 360 GTA V, I'll wait for the pc version.
And yes the late 2014 releases are probably enough to go crazy over.
I am now replaying BioShock Infinite for about the...5th time since I bought it? Yeah, that sounds about right.
Not much... just the odd Forza 5 race or Indie game on PS4. There's nothing out!
I'm going to get Diablo 3 today on PS4, and try that. I've never really played Diablo but I'm desperate.
Yeah, dude, this summer drought is getting ridiculous. At least Destiny comes out in a few weeks, so the long boredom period will be over soon!
Don't forget about Metro Redux that comes out on the 26th of August.
People should go out and buy Sonic and All stars racing transformed if they haven't already. It's fantastic.
I'm now playing Diablo III: Ultimate Evil Edition on Xbox One and it's pretty damn awesome. This will certainly keep me very busy until Destiny hits.
Xbox 360 : Titanfall , Alan Wake , Burnout Paradise + PES 2013 and NBA 2k13
Xbox One : Forza 5 sometimes . its actually my brother's xbox one mostly . I'll get my own with Halo MC collection . hoping for a special edition .
PC : Skyrim
Not much... just the odd Forza 5 race or Indie game on PS4. There's nothing out!
I'm going to get Diablo 3 today on PS4, and try that. I've never really played Diablo but I'm desperate.
Yeah, dude, this summer drought is getting ridiculous. At least Destiny comes out in a few weeks, so the long boredom period will be over soon!
Don't forget about Metro Redux that comes out on the 26th of August.
Apparently Metro's been delayed a week here in Aus (according to EB Games), to the 4th Sept. Which sucks! If it is, I'll have to wait to get it because it's too close to Destiny the week after.
PS4: FIFA 14, Strider
3DS: Tomodachi Life, I Am an Air Traffic Controller Airport Hero Hawaii (what a freaking name!) - Great game! I wish there was more. Seems like Japan has a lot of installments in this series.
Wii U: Skyward Sword, Adventures of Lolo (Virtual Console)
These are the games that I'm cycling through the most right now. But my backlog is ridiculous!
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