I grew up with a PS1 and a PS2, and I loved the crap out of them when I was a kid, but now that I'm older and have recently gotten into retro collecting, the two consoles that, to me, have the most character, are the Dreamcast and the Original XBOX. The way I see it, the XBOX was basically the Dreamcast Part 2. They're probably the two systems with the most great, mostly-accurate ports of arcade titles on them. Apart from that, a majority of titles for them were really creative and weren't afraid to be different from the run-of-the-mill games. Fuzion Frenzy, Ecco the Dolphin, 18 Wheeler, Jet Set Radio Future, etc. But aside from the game library itself, the potential for modding the original XBOX is quite vast and interesting.
In terms of 2D consoles, I don't really have much of a preference. I think the SNES and Genesis were equally great, but it's just a shame that competitors such as the Turbografx 16 couldn't keep up.
So, that's my take. What about your favorites?
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