What are your gaming dreams for the future?

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#1  Edited By deactivated-63d1ad7651984
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What would you like to see from gaming lets say in 20 years? for me I would love for high end VR to be completely wireless with photorealistic graphics with haptic feed back and smell. I basically want VR to feel like a lucid dream. I don't if any of you have had a lucid dream before but the feeling you get when you know you're dreaming and take control is amazing and powerful. I want VR to give me that same feeling so what would you like for gaming to be like in 20 years?

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#2 Todddow
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Star Trek Holodeck

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#3  Edited By Lembu90
Member since 2015 • 665 Posts

Jack-of-all-trade gaming platform that can play any games from any developers. No more Sony, Microsoft, Nintendo and PC exclusives anymore. Smartphone games get better and becoming less dependent on microtransactions but more on consumers' feedbacks and reviews.

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My main one is probably Resident Evil 3 getting a remake after Resi2.

I'm easy to please.

Outside of that for the most part I will take the future as it comes.

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#5 k--m--k
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VR MMO Pokemon game.

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#6 Valkeerie
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I wanted a controller that crossed the Etch A Sketch toy with CAD Software's 3D Mouse. You'll have two dials that you can press on their outer rim in any direction and rotate on their own axes. Press up on the left dial and rotate it clockwise, so that the character turns right by moving forward, and rotate the right dial to look vertically. Press the latter down to crouch or to the sides so that you can lean to either one. It would redefine dual thumb pad gameplay.

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#7 BabyPulpFiction
Member since 2013 • 246 Posts

@warmblur said:

What would you like to see from gaming lets say in 20 years? for me I would love for high end VR to be completely wireless with photorealistic graphics with haptic feed back and smell. I basically want VR to feel like a lucid dream. I don't if any of you have had a lucid dream before but the feeling you get when you know you're dreaming and take control is amazing and powerful. I want VR to give me that same feeling so what would you like for gaming to be like in 20 years?

agreed, i think thats everyone's dream.

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#8 deactivated-618bc23e9b1c9
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Everything becoming hybridized/portable and easily configurable/convenient and adaptable to multiple settings and locations. I'm talking about high-end gaming to be free of cumbersome constraints.

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#9 PimpHand_Gamer
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20 years ago I wished for 3D graphics that looked like they do today, now I have that so in reality it doesn't matter since in 20 years from now, if I'm still alive at 61 yrs, I'll still be meh with it as I am today. The more likely scenario being that I won't be interested in gaming anymore since already I play games way far less than I did 20 years ago. I might play once a month and I even have VR which once I got desensitized to it and the wow factor wore off, which didn't take long btw, I'm meh with it too and now looking forward to 200 FOV and 4k but I know no matter how great the tech gets, the wow factor wears off and I'll just play it whenever until the next thing comes about....always chasing the wow.

Of course the older I get, the less impressed I am with things but I imagine in 20 years games will be 8-12k and streaming only as more and more people are getting fiber to the home which is what I do for a living.

@briguyb13 said:

Everything becoming hybridized/portable and easily configurable/convenient and adaptable to multiple settings and locations. I'm talking about high-end gaming to be free of cumbersome constraints.

So you can end up sitting on the couch like you do now? I know that's what I'll do regardless of how unrestricted it is. When I'm out and about, gaming is the farthest thing I would want to do, it's something I prefer to do from a comfy recliner or couch in my own home, but that's me.

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#10  Edited By PimpHand_Gamer
Member since 2014 • 3048 Posts

I just remembered, you guys realize that 20 years ago, the slickest looking 3D game out there was Unreal on PC? At a time when PS1 and N64 were still the mainstream gaming systems, so we went from graphics like Turok 2 on N64 to graphics like Uncharted 4. I'm sure in 20 years we'll achieve graphics that are hard to tell from a photograph considering some are getting there now but I bet we'll still be complaining about them all the same.

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#11 deactivated-618bc23e9b1c9
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@pimphand_gamer said:

@briguyb13 said:

Everything becoming hybridized/portable and easily configurable/convenient and adaptable to multiple settings and locations. I'm talking about high-end gaming to be free of cumbersome constraints.

So you can end up sitting on the couch like you do now? I know that's what I'll do regardless of how unrestricted it is. When I'm out and about, gaming is the farthest thing I would want to do, it's something I prefer to do from a comfy recliner or couch in my own home, but that's me.

Having the option to do that if I want? Yes. I can also fold it up and take it to the kitchen or living room if I like, or the bedroom or outside etc.

I think these companies should focus on energy saving, streamlining, compacting and the like instead of bulky hardware and more cables and clunky, heavy boxes with "more power at any cost" way of thinking.

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#12 mrbojangles25
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I do not want to see games as a "service".

I want to see alleged AAA developer-publishers take more risks, develop games with smaller budgets, and not worry so much about dick measuring contests.

I would like VR to be high resolution and wireless. I don't want it to be 100% immersive because I still want to know I am playing a game haha, but pretty close to 100%

@pimphand_gamer said:

I just remembered, you guys realize that 20 years ago, the slickest looking 3D game out there was Unreal on PC? At a time when PS1 and N64 were still the mainstream gaming systems, so we went from graphics like Turok 2 on N64 to graphics like Uncharted 4. I'm sure in 20 years we'll achieve graphics that are hard to tell from a photograph considering some are getting there now but I bet we'll still be complaining about them all the same.

Yeah it's pretty crazy how fast technology developers. I mean if you went back in time and told 12 year old me that, yes, while you are currently playing Half-Life and it might be the best game ever made, A.) Half-Life 2 is somehow ten times better, and B.) games will look like this in 20 years, and C.) internet will be readily available at speeds of so-many-mb-per-second...

...I'd have told you you're a liar.

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#13 Blueberry_Bandit
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@pimphand_gamer said:

20 years ago I wished for 3D graphics that looked like they do today, now I have that so in reality it doesn't matter since in 20 years from now, if I'm still alive at 61 yrs, I'll still be meh with it as I am today. The more likely scenario being that I won't be interested in gaming anymore since already I play games way far less than I did 20 years ago. I might play once a month and I even have VR which once I got desensitized to it and the wow factor wore off, which didn't take long btw, I'm meh with it too and now looking forward to 200 FOV and 4k but I know no matter how great the tech gets, the wow factor wears off and I'll just play it whenever until the next thing comes about....always chasing the wow.

Of course the older I get, the less impressed I am with things but I imagine in 20 years games will be 8-12k and streaming only as more and more people are getting fiber to the home which is what I do for a living.

@briguyb13 said:

Everything becoming hybridized/portable and easily configurable/convenient and adaptable to multiple settings and locations. I'm talking about high-end gaming to be free of cumbersome constraints.

So you can end up sitting on the couch like you do now? I know that's what I'll do regardless of how unrestricted it is. When I'm out and about, gaming is the farthest thing I would want to do, it's something I prefer to do from a comfy recliner or couch in my own home, but that's me.

I doubt you'll get bored in 20 years. VR will be at Ready Player One levels of technology allowing you to explore infinite virtual worlds that feel lifelike. Something at that level is enough to give you near endless fun, especially if you experience it all with friends.

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#14 jeezers
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A good C&C game.

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#15 PimpHand_Gamer
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@blueberry_bandit: No it won't be like ready player one. You better triple those years in regards to that kind of technology.

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#16 PimpHand_Gamer
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@mrbojangles25 said:

I do not want to see games as a "service".

I want to see alleged AAA developer-publishers take more risks, develop games with smaller budgets, and not worry so much about dick measuring contests.

I would like VR to be high resolution and wireless. I don't want it to be 100% immersive because I still want to know I am playing a game haha, but pretty close to 100%

@pimphand_gamer said:

I just remembered, you guys realize that 20 years ago, the slickest looking 3D game out there was Unreal on PC? At a time when PS1 and N64 were still the mainstream gaming systems, so we went from graphics like Turok 2 on N64 to graphics like Uncharted 4. I'm sure in 20 years we'll achieve graphics that are hard to tell from a photograph considering some are getting there now but I bet we'll still be complaining about them all the same.

Yeah it's pretty crazy how fast technology developers. I mean if you went back in time and told 12 year old me that, yes, while you are currently playing Half-Life and it might be the best game ever made, A.) Half-Life 2 is somehow ten times better, and B.) games will look like this in 20 years, and C.) internet will be readily available at speeds of so-many-mb-per-second...

...I'd have told you you're a liar.

What we want and what we get are two different things. I never wanted to lease a car which is basically renting which is basically a service but here we are where many people lease. I also never thought I would be streaming TV and movies but ultimately all these things comes down to cost and convenience of service. Just because you don't possess a physical copy doesn't mean you can't play it whenever you want which is the main goal. But with todays constant bombardment of new titles coming out year after year, you may not replay all the titles you once used to. Corporations would much prefer games as a service and we are already seeing this with PSN and Xbox Live with their marketing strategy of "free games" for purchasing the ability to play games online which for many gamers today that only play online, is exactly the same as paying a service subscription to play your games. It's just marketed differently. But your kids will grow up in a time where physical ownership won't bother them at all.

I never cared for HL. It was a very straightforward, linear shooter. It didn't have very many diversity of weapons, no cool vehicles to ride around on less you really liked that boat/cycle thing.

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#17  Edited By Blueberry_Bandit
Member since 2017 • 891 Posts

@pimphand_gamer said:

@blueberry_bandit: No it won't be like ready player one. You better triple those years in regards to that kind of technology.

Of course it will be. Why wouldn't it be?

  • Getting to a retinal resolution (16k per eye) in 15 years sounds very easy. Google are already making 18 megapixel per eye panels which are 14x the resolution of today's headsets. 16K per eye is 14x the resolution of those panels.
  • We'll likely get to a full human FoV by that time and be using light-field displays especially since we're going to be using varifocal displays in gen 2.
  • Audio will be absolutely perfect and lifelike with personal HRTF. Let me quote Michael Abrash, chief scientist at Oculus: "20 years from now, you will be able to hear virtual pin drop and it will sound as if you just dropped a real pin."
  • Gloves like these in 15-20 years at a consumer level and small / wireless sounds entirely doable: https://youtu.be/OK2y4Z5IkZ0
  • Haptic Suits already exist like the Teslasuit, but maybe not ready for consumers yet and somewhat expensive, so give it 5-10 years.
  • Treadmills are the harder part, but getting those at a viable level in 20 years shouldn't be difficult.
  • Graphics will be indistinguishable from reality using real time raytracing or pathtracing and light-fields / photogrammetry.
  • Humans will be represented perfectly in VR to the point where you won't be able to tell the difference between a real human and a virtual human.

That's it. You can ignore taste and smell since they're not that important. Even treadmills aren't needed to reach Ready Player One because in the story not many people even used them.

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#18 mrbojangles25
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@pimphand_gamer: point of the thread was to wish, i.e. "wishful thinking". I know I won't get what I want most of the time out of what I listed, but a guy can dream, right? :D

As for the Half-Life reference, wasn't trying to convince you of anything, just saying how one of the best games of that era can now look (and play) like peanuts compared to the best games of this era. In other words, was agreeing with you.

I mean, hell, you mentioned photorealistic graphics and we already sorta-kinda did that with Crysis, and that was years ago: