Alpha Protocol: got bad reviews but it eventually, like most Obsidian games, turned into an incredible game. Think the gameplay of Mass Effect, the high-tech espionage of James Bond and Jason Bourne, and the kitsch story and voice acting of Die Hard. Incredible game, fun game, great game.
Shadow Tactics: Blades of the Shogun: a fairly recent game, it hearkens to the days of Commandos, another game I cherish. It got great reviews, but I never hear anyone talk about. The game plays like Commandos, but it has the plot, setting, and voice acting of a great Akira Kurosawa movie.
Tachyon: The Fringe: a space sim made by Novalogic during their prime, and voiced by Bruce Campbell. Do I really need to say anything more? Game was great.
Sleeping Dogs: when it first came out, it was a total diamond in the rough, which is probably why a lot of people did not buy it. But at it's core and beyond the generally-superficial flaws, there was a game that rivaled just about any open-world GTA-like game out there except for GTA :P Eventually they remastered it came out with a definitive edition or whatever, and I think a lot more people saw what a great game it was. Compelling plot, great melee and gun fighting system, really nice driving and controls, and the whole Hong Kong criminal underworld was just fantastic.
@tryit said:
nearly everything I play
but a cult classic that is way under rated would be........No One Lives Forever
@tryit said:
@MarkoftheSivak said:
No One Lives Forever's magnificence is only spoken of in hushed tones, it was vastly far ahead of it's time.
still is I think, and now an entire generation doesnt even know about the game
Totally. Granted, it was very popular at the time, but I would say it is arguably the most forgotten game of all time. The game is simply incredible. They almost rebooted/re-released it a short time ago but there was some bullshit nonsense with WB, Monolith, and so forth. I will see if I can find the article about it, but it's like "NOLF got dropped down a well at the bottom of a mine that was underneath a mountain. It's still there, but it might as well not be" lol
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