When you go down some side corridor to do some exploring, get all the way to the end, and find...nothing. Come on man, put some nice little weapon or something down there to reward me for doing something extra.
Crappy aiming mechanics - I'm aimed slightly left of my target, breath on the analog stick, now I'm aimed slightly right of the target.
Stupid little enemies like spiders that come at you in packs and use up all the ammo you were saving for that big tough enemy you know is coming up next.
Bad balancing - go through a whole castle full of powerful demons with only a moderate amount of effort, then get killed by some street thugs and you don't stand a chance against them.Â
Cutscenes that intrude on the gameplay. I like to watch a cutscene, then play the game. I don't like to play, then WTF the controls aren't working - oh it's another cutscene. Just let me kill the damned guy already, I don't need to see yet another cinematic of him acting all macho.
Stealth mechanics that don't work. I'm crouched down, behind cover, hidden pretty good - enemies come running right up to me like they saw me from a mile away.
Enemies that just spawn out of nowhere. If I come into an area, look around carefully with my binoculars to make sure there aren't any baddies down there, then I enter the area - oh freakin' dudes just materialize right in front of me. Gimme a break.
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