For me it’d be the Wii U. I was only interested in Wind Waker HD for a brief moment as well as Mario Kart 8. (Play Mario Kart 8 Deluxe on the Switch tho.)
PS2/3. I usually buy all the the consoles in a generation and one always takes precedence. Unfortunately, these two playstations were backburners and hardly used. Luckily I only paid for one of them as I got the ps3 for free. I want to say the psp as well, but I hardly used my DS too so handhelds in general have little use to me.
None, never owned any :D
Wait, does Gameboy count? I did own that a long time ago, it was pretty great.
Errrr... I guess GameCube. It was great console for multiplat ports, being just as powerful as PS2.
But the exclusives on GC were really poor, and since I already had PS2 for those multiplats, GC kinda became pointless to have...
And yes, I did play Metroid on GC. Boring as heck. Mario Sunshine? Ouch!!!
The only console I ever got rid of was my Switch, it was biggest disappointment I've ever had, total regret and buyers remorse...That AtGames Genesis I got was neat but pathetic excuse for a console but I don't really regret a $30 console. My Vita has been a disappointment, but don't really regret owning it, well not enough to sell like Switch. I'm mostly mad cause the games are ridiculously expensive and Sony doesn't even support it despite having so much promise.
I traded in base Xbox for the X cause obviously worth it but was also a bonus deal towards X, Switch is only other console I ever traded in, but I got cash for Switch. I don't think I ever got rid of any prior console other than abandoning NES/SNES to my closet only to disappear likely to cousins houses cause mom got rid of them, probably what happened to my old Gameboys and shit, they were all gone long before end of High School and left.
Only one console that I regretted purchasing and that was the 3DO. I think that I only ever got like 5 games for the system and ended up selling it.
None of them. Yeah, I barely played the Wii and had only 11 games to the system, but brother bought it for himself and I played it too (he actually has only one game for the system, so I guess he is kind of regret)
None, not even the WiiU because I bought it originally to play Bayonetta 2. And later played Tropical Freeze. It was a stupid system that ran like garbage but those games made me lack the feeling of regret. Plus I traded it roughly a year after Splatoon with close to 70% its current buyers-return. So I didn't feel bad about it_
Splatoon wouldn't get good till Switches Splatoon 2 though, the first game was well over exaggerated in terms of quality and replayability. Someone even told me the Single Player was better than Super Mario Galaxy. . An odd statement for someone to say I know.
I'm one of those guys that only needs one game to feel that a console was worth it so to this day I'm yet to regret owning one.
Not a console but a peripheral, the 32X, I wanted it so bad and it ended up being such a steaming pile.
As for an actual console none, and I even had a dreamcast but I loved it.
I got it for Christmas so I technically didn't buy it but I'd go with the PSP Street. I hadn't done any research on it beforehand and seeing it listed as PSP E1000 in a catalogue, thought Sony had rereleased the original PSP 1000 model. This was when I was still using my PSP for Facebook and downloading stuff on the browser so I was gutted when I learned the Street didn't have WIFI. I wasn't a fan of the plastic they used for the shell either, and thought it felt cheap.
Game console I "regret" buying is the Wii U. I got it at launch I gave it a shot. The tablet shaped Gamepad ended up sucking for games. I have only just 21 games for Wii U. The least amount of games for any console I own. The Wii U only sold 13.97 million worldwide. So this why I have not purchased the Nintendo Switch yet. Plus their are only 3 games that I want to buy to play on Switch. All Nintendo IPS Plus the Nintendo Switch is underpowered and over priced. Plus a New version is coming soon. But the Wii U is my console "regret" since I still have this console
PS Vita, It looked great until Sony stopped supporting it in the state and most of the vita games came over to the PS4 and or PC.
Also dat memory card though... too expensive.
Mainly a PS3 60GB BC model. And to a lesser extent, the PS4 Pro.
A game store sold me a used PS3 60GB... with a supposed 3-month warranty for $300. The piece-of-shit YLoD'ed after the fourth month. They also forgot to mention that the unit was already serviced before (warranty sticker was stripped) when I was checking it out at the store.
And then there's the PS4 Pro. It's one pathetic console for the $400 price-tag attached to it. Sony, the same guys who shoved blu-ray down everyone's throats back in 2006, couldn't bother to put-in a 4K UHD BD drive on their flagship console. Worse, that $400 door-stopper can't read regular CDs. You're telling me that a console built after 2013... can't read the most basic form of optical media?! How the hell do you even manage to do that? Even the base Xbone S has 4K BD support. And yet, it was too much to ask for the company who lobbied their way to win the format war (Blu-ray vs HD-DVD).
Way to make their PS3's still the better media console.
I don't regret any of them, and I even got a Virtual Boy. To be fair, my Virtual Boy was a super cheap garage sale pickup 20 years ago that is worth 5X what I paid for it now, and is a hilarious and fun gimmick to show people occasionally. So far I've also bought every playstation as well as most nintendo consoles (luckily no Wii U, I would regret that) and they've all been great.
@Jacanuk: Yeah I'm kind of in the same boat as you. Nintendo doesn't release all that much that I'm interested in anymore. I wish times could go back to when the original DS/DS Lite were around. Idk if it was me but I felt like Nintendo was producing good games a lot more back then.
Right now for me on the Switch I play: Super Mario Party, Overcooked 2...and the occasional MK8 Deluxe online race.
Even still, they release maybe 1-2 titles a year that I'm interested in. I feel as if they're really focusing too much on the Pokemon Let's Go Switch titles. But, Smash Bros. will be cool.
Gamecube. At the time I pretty much bought every console that was available but Gamecube was the first console that had no games that I wanted to play and it just collected dust. After that I became more cautious about what console I was buying.
@speeny: :D hadn't even realised it was the same OP for most of them. Just seemed to be the most interesting posts on front page I saw :)
Honestly, there are a few I find that I did questionable actions with. For instance the PS3 - I sold it early to help fund something else (personal), but I don't regret why. We eventually got another PS3, that we let a friend borrow, now the HDMI doesn't work on it. I regret that letting him borrow it!
But what I regret more is probably not being able to own certain systems throughout my life. For me that would probably be the SNES. I went from Atari, to NES, (which I had to settle with for a while, relying on friends to have access to other systems) then I went straight to the N64. The other would be missing a several year span of PC gaming once I became a young adult. Wasn't until I was mid 20s before I got a good PC to game on.
Well before the PS2 I wasn't old enough to buy consol with my own money.
I got a Gamecube and a PS2. Loved them but at the same time was kinda meh for both. Eventually sold the GC because they kinda killed it after 2 years even though I had fun with it.
I got a X360 and after a year I sold the damn thing to get a PS3. I don't understand how the 360 became the power house it was ... what a crappy made consol.
I bought a Vita that I got for a year before I sold it and got a 3DS that I sold a year later to get back a Vita. Loved the Vita the second time, so many good game on that system ... I felt the 3DS games to be quite like ... zero souvenir of those.
Now I have a PS4 and a Switch. I love both so far. So far I enjoyed what I played on the Switch. The only game that I didn't like even though I finished it was Zelda ... what a boring, empty very disconnected game, I played it right after I played Horizon where everything was connected anyway.
So right now I still own a PS3, PS4, Vita and Switch.
I don't regret anything but I sure won't touch a Xbox again ever and Nintendo they have to pull something very amazing like the Switch to make me buy it while Playstation always been a sure buy and always been satisfied with them.
PS4. I bought it simply because I could get one for cheap, and I wanted to try out some of these much-lauded exclusives. They're all right, I mean they're not bad games, and the PS4 is a nice platform and all, but it's just not worth it to me.
PC from now on only.
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