Gamers as idiots, hmm, maybe those who place graphics above the gameplay, but that's a tad harsh. A game can look incredible and be a lot of fun, but it is something that's fairly rare since it's easier to make beautiful visuals than it is to make a game that really sucks you in and has you coming back for more.
Take Metal Gear Solid 4 for example, I've not played it and not likely to since I've little wish to get a PS3 till something I would like to get the console for comes out, but I've seen the visuals and they're very good and the game seems to be hailed as a great game, but I have my doubts since the same was said for the previous Metal Gear Solids and I honestly found MGS 1 and 2 to be hollow, shallow, empty experiences that looked great with some interesting stories, well 1 did, 2 was a shambles at the end.
I kept wondering just why the games were so hyped when they were so dull, even after finishing the first 2 I didn't feel like returning to them, nor playing any more in the series. The same with the Halo series, I played and completed 1 and 2 and decided to not bother with 3 because to me it was the same old thing rehashed with a shiny new coat.
I want to play a game when I buy it, not be wading through boredom while admiring the visuals. If I want to watch something with great visuals, I'll watch a CGI fest or pure CGI movie or a nature documentary, a game is supposed to be something to play, not drool over for it's graphics.
wow i cant disagree more with metal gear solid but i agree completely with halo. can i ask what games you absolutely love just for reference as to where your opinion comes from. personally i feel like a good story can make a mediocre game worth the purchase while a terrible story makes great gameplay feel hollow.
i can't figure out how you decided metal gear solid was dull, shallow, hollow, experiences. ithink its hard to find games that match the quality experience that is the metal gear series. perhaps its just a dislike for stealth that loses your interest. or you just cant be bothered to absorb the vast amounts of exposition. (i don't deny the series is heavy on exposition and occasionally crosses the line and over does it but i can easily forgive overdoing. what i cant forgive is games that fail to do anything with character or story and just expect you to)
i think character development is more important than story. they should both exist but plenty of games have intriguing stories but those stories dont grab you unless theyve created a character that people can identify with and impose themselves upon in order to fully experience the story
My favourite games tend to be games like Harvest Moon, where I can make my own story as I go along, Saint's Row 2, again I've found I can make my own story as I play while still following the main story. A lot of the games I play I make additional stories for as an extra, keeps me playing, side stories mostly.
The MGS series started off well enough, but by the time I got half way I was beginning to wonder if the game was really more of an attempt to tell a novel and throwing in stealth, which tended to turn into gun play half way through. Since I tend to find too much shooting to be boring, I lost interest in the series, especially the second one when it suddenly switched to some kind of alien/computer grid nonsense after Raiden was rescued.
The story was a mess and it felt more like the game was skipping a lot, like large parts had been taken out in order to rush to the end.
I had liked the MGS 1story, I found the ideas quite well thought out, but the gun play got on my nerves and while MGS kept a solid story, but felt more like a shooter than a steath game, it felt empty to me, as if they had just rushed the ending. While with 2, the story started well, then just became a complete mess.
I'm fine with exposition, I use it at points in my own stories. I just felt like I was being hand held without being given the chance to take a risk and try something without having to whip out a gun and open fire. Stealth I'm alright with if it's done well, I liked one of the Splinter Cell games since the stealth was really good.
But to me, something felt missing from the MGS games I had played, something that the game needed. It had a story, it had the characters, it had the gameplay, but something was missing and whatever it was, it just killed the series for me. Maybe it was the way the endings felt very rushed or maybe I've become tired of resorting to guns when there has to be a better way.
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