Hi everyone I was wondering what some other people thought of playing Goldeneye after all these years. I actually made my own little review for this purpose.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e6KZhgSVjVw(I plan on reviewing some of my other games in my collection)
If you don't like my voice or whatever here's basically my biggest pet peeve with it the controls will irritate you if you are a FPS fan since you only use one analog stick to move, turn, etc. Another thing that irritated me was the draw distance in game I know it's old, but on the snow levels you literally can't tell where you are going.
Overall I would have to say the game is still very fun to play campaign wise, but multiplayer I couldn't really enjoy after playing more modern multiplayer games. So what is your opinion of Goldeneye now compared to back then? (Also the the third level still rules with the tank!)
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