(Ages 5-10) I first started with the NES and had awesome fun with it. Super Mario 3, Bomberman, Double Dragon, Contra, Baloon Fight and a bunch of others. I used to play mostly 2P with my cousin. Nostalgia!! Then he bought a MegaDrive2 and I wanted one as well so I got one. I mostly remember playing Top Gear 2, Road Rash, a Mickey Mouse game, a Tazmanian Devil game, an Alice in Wonderland game, and of course Mortal Kombat. I also used to game on the PC: Microsoft Golf, Dave and Gizmos and Gadgets.
(Ages 10-15) Then I recieved a PS1 as a gift. I had a decent collection: all the Crash Bandicoots, Twisted Metal and others that I've forgotten about. Then I discovered the PC and LAN. I spent most of my time playing Sim City 3000, Caeser 3, Zeus, Theme Hospital, Rollercoaster Tycoon and Red Alert 2 on LAN. Most were good educational and thinking games. :)
I mustve have been 15 when I discovered Couter Strike. I must've played it for about 500 hours in LAN cafes and at home.
I think I bought my Xbox 360 when I was about 18 (when it first came out). GOW, Bioshock are the more memorable of the games I've played. Even then most of my game time was playing Civ 4, Rome Total War and CnC Generals. Since my Xbox 360 RRODDED, I didn't have a gaming console, nor did I have the time to play. I used to play Civ 4 mostly... Now I'm 23, free(er) and playing all what I've missed out :D ... might need to get a console for the exclusives. :p
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