For me, it would be The Last of Us because I truly felt connected to the characters and their story, the thought of them possibly being killed off terrified me which kept me totally engrossed throughout the entire 5 play-throughs I have done.
@spartancleaver: same game as you, but for a different reason. Because of The Last of Us, I feel ready to be a father. That's how much I connected with the game. Ellie felt like my own daughter throughout, and I did everything to save her. It showed me that I could feel attached to someone
@mastermetal777: That's inspiring that the game has such a great effect upon you, What a fantastic game it is to have that much of an impact upon someones life.
There's been a few... but the stand out is probably Walking Dead (Season 1 & 2). I've never felt so protective of and invested in a character like I was with Clem. Can't wait for season 3!
Way back to Silent Hill 2 I cry every time when Mary read out that letter in the ending.
You can feel how heavy each word is, and DAT feeling between each sentence.
More recently would be The last of us, obviously. The DLC(Left behind) got me the most.
And um.... Mass Effect... Just... WHY?! WHY DO YOU HAVE TO DO THIS! I somehow have a similar feeling to breaking up with someone (Garrus, that might be the reason LOL) Maybe that was because I completed ME1-3 in marathon. (Come to home, play, eat, sleep. Play whole day during weekend. For like a week or two.)
Halo 3 because in high school my friends would play it without me, so I was able to live vicariously through their experience with the game by playing it alone in my room, imagining that I would fit in with them. This has resulted in me forcing myself to love these games despite my free will to do so and have night to night trauma up to 10 years after the fact, due to the fact I can no longer justify the expense of an Xbox One and the MCC to satisfy my nostalgic remorse. :(
I always feel like a poser when after many years of gaming I answer a question like this with a recent title, but I have to agree that TLoU was certainly up there. Well acted, story driven games like Heavy Rain and Beyond: Two Souls are also good candidates. Several of the FF games got me like 7 at the most famous death scene and the end. FFX as well had an awesome ending.
The first Amnesia game also had a pretty wrenching story once you got pretty close to the end and started to understand what was going on. Not sad so much as "oh my god! -THAT's- what's going on?!?!"
Silent Hill 1, 2 and 3 also were excellent. The fact that 1 managed to be emotional at all considering the horribly stilted voice acting and massive technical limitations of the platform is a testament to how good a game it was. Silent Hill 3 was pretty sad when the connection to SH1 is finally releaved, albeit tragically.
And SH2 is just... haunting. If you get the "Leave" ending (the best ending) it's just so wrenching. The worst thing about a mystery is that when you find out what the actual situation was, it's often less interesting than not knowing. Good mysteries build tension as you find out more, and SH2 was one of those stories that did that very well.
Sleeping Dogs. "A man who never eats a pork bun is never a whole man." I cry every time.
Sleeping Dogs was a great game with a good story, but I felt like they copped out a bit. In the game, you never really have to face the idea that you are actually betraying this group who accepts you as family because most of them get killed off before you are forced to reveal that you are a cop. This felt like a dissapointing "easy out" for the writers, especially after Winston's wedding where he and his wife frankly made me feel like a giant asshole for lying to them. I was expecting some horrible, akward confrontation later but instead they get killed by gang violence so the horrible scene never came.
I enjoyed The Last of Us but it didn't hit me emotionally other then being a great game.
Think the answer to this question is a weird one, but I remember playing a game called Wolf on the PC, a very old game by now. I was only little playing it.
It was a simulation game where you play as a wolf surviving out in the wild. You go about doing wolf stuff, hunting, you could stick with the pact, get in fights, find water, claim territory, explore, search for water, raise cubs, pretty much be a wolf. I remember getting all emotional about it in one playthrough when I lost my pact, then found them all dead days later, shot by poachers. Turned out there were cubs born while I was away and my wolf took to looking after them all alone, bringing them food until they grew, and a new generation started.
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