I liked the morale system in Blacksite, which otherwise was a terrible game. But I love shooters that have friendly AI fighting alongside you...it adds something to the atmosphere..makes the moment feel bigger when you're storming a bunker with a platoon of guys instead of just yourself. Unfortunately, because game developers wisely don't want said AI winning the game for the player, they tend to make the friendly AIuseless in battle. But I don't think they have to go that far. Like in CoD, enemies won't even shoot at the AI mates when they're right next to each other and the AI mates of course fire harmlessly at everything. Or Rico in the final boss fight in Killzone, who apparently is firing some kind of massive paintball gun for all the damage he's doing...it gets infuriating actually...there's something more frustrating about losing with a useless AI mate standing next to you..I'd rather be solo in that case.
So Blacksite come alongs and has this system that measures your performance and translates your efficiency into the behavior of your AI mates. If you're rolling, headshotting everything, then your mates are rolling, too, taking down enemies as quickly as you are. But when you're getting beat down, they suffer and they're not going to pull you out of the mess until you get your own stuff correct. I just think this is a better solution to balancingfriendly AI than having worthless mates strewn across the battlefield who don't even have the decency to take a bullet or two for you.
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