^^^ Topic^^^
I have a few:
As far as the NES goes I would have to say Mario 3 and TMNT 2: The Arcade Game and probably Tecmo Super Bowl.
However, the best feelings of nostalgia for me come from the SNES. I still remember the feeling I got when I played Mario World and A Link to the Past for the first time. Those games were amazing and I got them for Christmas so staying up late on Christmas vacation with a new console was amazing! Especially with A Link to the Past... the first time walking out of the house and seeing the rain was amazing and the music just sticks out.
Also, some more recent nostalgia from a few years ago was when I finally played and beat Final Fantasy 7; again, whenever I hear the music (I listen to it on youtube a lot) I remember how I felt playing it and I just want to pick it up and play it again. Especially when I hear the main overworld theme (before the meteor).
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