actually if you have the PC version there are mods where you can have a rideable sheep (really funny mod) a dragon, and a rideable clannfear.
"when you give a hobo a coin thell acually go to a the food mart and try to buy food"
I've given a select few hobos so much money that they went to "divine elegance" and bought some "elegant" clothes, so I decided to pickpocket him (I wasn't in the Thieves guild at the time anyway, and it's not like the guy was poor anymore.) and he had skooma on him!!!
what I like about ES:4 is that there are so many mods out there if you want something changed, you can find it.
anyway: I'd like to be able to give my characters Facial Hair! There are so many "hair mods" (like the famous "rens hair" mod) but the only beard mods make all of the characters look like Gimli from LOTR.
I'd like more quests that don't involve "oh, I lost a family heirloom, can you go into some dungeon tha looks like every other dungeon in the game and get it for me? I'll mark the location on your map." *Cave is on the other side of the map*
A better jail system, like if you commit a few murders, and get put in jail for more than a year, you'll come back out, and everything is exactly the same, the people you had quests for didn't even go "wow, finally out of the joint eh?" or "where in oblivion have you been?"
A way where the choices you have to make don't affect what rewards you get, but instead affect the whole entire storyline, for more replay value.
it would be so cool if everything was interactive like in Assassin's Creed, and like, depending on your acrobatics skill, you can perform different types of moves. (when you hit journeyman in ES:4 you could do some cool dodging moves though, but that's it.)
the rest of the stuff that I hated now have mods out fixing them, so I'll stop there.
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