I take it that most of you have played RPG’s.
Personally it’s my favorite genre of games. It has offered me the best gaming experiences out of all genres.
Games like Fallout 3, The Elder Scrolls series. Mass Effect, The Witcher. Dark Souls. etc.
Amazing games !!
But what I want to see in future RPG’s is something that only a Two RPG series has offered me. From what I have played at least.
The Elder Scrolls and Mass Effect.
That’s what I want !
Tons and Tons of Lore.
Mass Effect has always had all these journal entries that I would always read.
Reading about all the different races and planets.
It just expands the The Mass Effect Universe immensely.
The Elder Scrolls series has the most lore in gaming from what I’ve seen.
And we’ve only seen the focus on one continent.
Akavir: an often hostile continent to the east of Tamriel
Aldmeris: a fabled continent from which the Aldmer came to Tamriel
Atmora: a frigid continent to the north, home to the ancestors of the Nords
Cathnoquey: a region of land that lies between Tamriel and Akavir
Esroniet: a small island kingdom that lies between Tamriel and Akavir
Pyandonea: a continent to the far southwest of Tamriel, home to the Maormer
Roscrea: a region of land that lies between Tamriel and Atmora
Thras: an archipelago to the southwest of Tamriel, home of the Sload
Yneslea: a region of land that lies between Tamriel and Akavir
Yokuda: a ruined collection of islands blasted by a cataclysm to the west of Tamriel, original home of the Redguards
This only being the continents/lands.
There are also Worlds. The worlds are all in the Aurbis.
Aurbis was created by Anu and Padomay.
There is a whole story between these to Primal Forces in the TES Lore.
As the story goes, Time began when the two forces entered the Void; the interplay between them led to all of Creation, starting with Nir. Anu is typically described in masculine terms, and Nir in feminine terms, and theirs is the first love story. Padomay took exception to Nir's love of Anu, and so the first love story ends in violence. Nir, wounded, gave birth to the twelve worlds of Creation before dying. When Padomay attacked and shattered these worlds, Anu fought him off and salvaged Creation by combining the remnants into one world, Nirn.
Worlds :
Aetherius, the Immortal Plane.
Mundus is the plane or realm of existence that encompasses Nirn.
Nirn is the planet on which the Elder Scrolls is set. It floats in the void of Oblivion.
The Planes of Oblivion are the dimensional planes which are home to all the daedra. Consisting of all the Daedric Princes’ Realms.
The Void is basically around everything including the Aurbis which Anu and Padomay have created.
So basically if that’s not enough, each world has their tiny details, history and cultures.
I have never seen this much lore put into one game.
The Elder Scrolls’ Lore just makes the experience so much more rich.
I want to see this in RPG’s more often.
Imagine Dark Souls like this.
Lore at this scale in Dark Souls would make that game so much better than it already is.
I don’t know what you guys think.
Tell me lore is important to you and if it could truly immerse you in these games.
If there are other games that has lots of lore that I haven’t played then I would like to know ’em.
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